Thursday, December 27, 2007

Schedule from now till Jan

29th Dec - 2pm Captain's Ball (Pls bring change of clothes and bathing stuff)
5th Jan - No CG due to open Sunday
6th Jan - Open Sunday
12th Jan - CG
20th Jan - CG
27th Jan - CG

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Effervescence and Captain's ball

For those of you who do not know, we may have just gotten ourselves a CG name, (thank you Ryan and David). Effervescence and Spill Over were the two better names of the lot. We have decided to use Effervescence and combine a little of the Spill Over meaning. Effervescence, the way you drop a vitamin pill into a cup of water and it bubbles and dissovles, changing the whole drink. That's the way God works in our lives, changing us completely. And the Spill Over effect is that we want to do the same for the lives of others.

For CG next week, 29th December, we're not going to have Bible Study, but a game of Captain's Ball. We'll be meeting 2pm at the Cana Hall. Do remember to bring a change of clothes, and if you're planning to bathe, (which is really advisable because we preferably do not want to be sitting next to a bunch of stinking teens) remember to have soap and towels.

Till then, enjoy your last week of freedom guys.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

CG name

It has suddenly dawned on me that we don't have a CG name. Guys, the assignment for you is to think of a CG name. Everyone must have at least one suggestion. If we can decide on a name soon enough, I may have the time/energy to come up with a logo for us. START CRACKING!

Post your suggestions in the comments column.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas is coming, so is 2008

To those who were involved in Christmas in the Community... well done... you guys got through. Despite many a laughs from the entire CG. Now, the next thing we can look forward to is our Chistmas dinner, at Caleb's place. Speaking of which, your four leaders will be going for the Youth Leader's camp thing. So, happy MISSING US. We'll only be back on the 22nd.

I think the Saturday after that, the 29th I think, we'll be playing Captain's ball. Yes I know, we haven't been doing much bible study yet. Well, rest assured, there will definitely be more bible studies next year. One topic we will likely be covering is Boy-Girl relations. (: Don't pretend to be unexcited... I'm not sure about you guys, but I'm looking forward to 2008...

P.S. Stop leaving lame comments!!! Wasting precious space, my young ones...! I shan't mention names... right ZENAS?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

This Friday - Christmas in the Community

We will be attending Christmas in the Community together this Friday. For those who are coming, we shall be meeting at 6.30pm at Woodlands MRT Station. Yay! I'm sure we're all excited to see what's prepared... As for service this Sunday, for those who want, we can meet at 11am and have lunch afterwards. Germ and Ray will be doing worship so you guys have to either bug the other leaders, or be more independent alright! (:

Monday, December 10, 2007

No CG till 29th December

For those of you who have yet to hear the news, there will be no CG from now till the 29th of December due to some Christmas in the Community and Youth Leaders Camp. However, we can still meet for service and Lunch on Sunday for those who are interested. Just drop me an SMS of you want. (Germ: 98212425)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas Party on 23rd December

Our very first CG Christmas Party. Details are as follows:

Date: 23rd December 2007
Time: 4pm - Whatever your curfew is.
Meeting Place: Admiralty Mrt Station
Address: Caleb's house. 5 woodlands dr 72 #14-10 Woodsvale

Guys, we really hope many of you can make it. There's going to be games and food! My kind of a party!!! Please let us know whether you will be coming.

Bad news for those who have been following this Blog. There will be no more sleepover as Caleb has sudden guard duty and cannot hosts. But I doubt this will affect many of you because very few were allowed to stay over in the first place. If you guys really want, you can crash Germaine's house but I don't think many of you can right?

2 Bible Study - I have decided to follow Jesus

We discussed that true faith would be accompanied by deeds and everyone from CG was challenged to start doing daily devotions. Have your accountability partners been doing their jobs?

1 Bible Study - Love one another

Everyone from CG came up with their own way to show others God's love in a practical way.