Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Valentines Day

Hi all,

I'm sure most of you have received the little flyer we distributed with regards to Valentines Day. Youth Ministry is having its anual Valentines Day event again and this year, it will happen on Valentines Day itself - 14th Feb! This would be an excellent time to bring your friends to church and have them learn more about the God that loves you and I.

For those planning to come and bring friends, there will be a befrienders session you will have to attend. This is happening this Saturday at 3.30pm. It will basically teach you how to go about sharing with your friends about God. If you're not sure if you're brining friends yet, you can always just go for the course first just in case. I believe we all have alot to learn (:

For those who have no friends to bring (haha, I didn't mean for this to sound so sad), you can participate in the event by being a helper. In any case, do let the leaders know whether you're planning to go as a helper or a befriender.


Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year

Dear all, have a wonderful wonderful Chinese New Year. I'm sure you all will give up school anytime to be able to go around collecting Ang Baos instead. At the moment, the only news I have is that Open Sunday next week has been cancelled. As for our next CG event, it has not been decided yet so I will update you all again when it has. Do continue to check the blog!

We had a Farewell CG thing for Caleb Leow last week. Yes, he will very soon be living our tiny city in pursuit of a new life and education in Australia. I know many of us will be missing him. I do believe he will continue to check the blog so anyone who wishes to leave messages to him can do so here:) As you know, he is one of the few who comments regularly. (Well... Cheryl too...)

Also, we have received our first batch of Effervescene T-shirts. It looks amazing in my opinion. (Thank you Amanda once again) Some of us have not ordered the shirts yet. Please do so by this week. Let Amanda know the size, name and number you want at the back. And bring $18 for the shirt itself. Please write clearly... (Zenas had his name spelt as Zens instead... haha.)

Other than that, have a great week guys!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Open Sunday

Open Sunday!

Once again, we are reaching the first week of the month- FEB. Which means only one thing... OPEN SUNDAY! How fast does time fly right? Last I remembered was the school holidays and very soon our first month of 2009 will be over. Can you believe that there are only 12 months a year?!

Anyway, this month's open Sunday is going to be conducted at Sentosa. Everyone should know by now that this will be our Leader Caleb's last open sunday with us so we sincerely hope that all of you will be able to turn up (or at least those who don't have anything to do on Sunday)

For those who are planning to go, you will have to submit your consent forms by next week so the commitee can start dividing us into groups. Remember to bring those forms.

CG T-Shirt

I also want to take this opportunity to announce that we will soon be getting our CG T-shirts with our huge logo in front and name & number at the back. There is one person I would really want to thank for making this happen - AMANDA! Thank you, Amanda, for being so faithful in chasing us all for our size, full name, numbers and payment. Thank you for going to the supplier to get it all settled so all we have to do is pay and get our Tees.

I'm extremely proud and thankful for having you around to do all these for the CG. Thanks!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

First CG of 2009 - Obedience!

To celebrate the first CG session of the year, the leaders planned a series of games/activities to teach Effervescence "OBEDIENCE". For the benefit of those who weren't there, here's a weblog ofwhat we did that day...


As part of an act of obedience, groups were asked to carry an egg on a spoon. Out of the 3 groups, 2 broke their egges! This proves that despite our best efforts to obey, we can sometimes make a mess of it. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try!


Everyone was made to spin 10 times around a broom and walk in a straight line afterwards. Below is a series of photos of their futile attempts.

In case you're wondering... Amanda fell... (:

Look at Pat lean on the wall for support.

As Noah Obeyed

In the old testiment, Noah was called to build an Ark. No one understood what he was doing and mocked him for it, yet he obediently did as God commanded. In this activity, members were asked to build a head and hand accessory. Embarrassing as it was, Nadia's group obeyed whole heartedly! Quite stylishly, I have to add.

Amanda's team took the easy way out (tsk tsk) thus proving that when no one is looking, it is sometimes easy to disobey! (:

A Dig Into Dirt

For this torturous game, groups had to dig their hand into dirty, disgusting water to find what they were asked to find: A coin, a piece of lettuce and a cooked prawn. If you think this was an easy feat, you obviously need to try it for yourself. Seeing the prawn come out of the muddy water was enough to make me feel queasy.

What we wanted to prove is that obedience sometimes takes bravery and involves getting out of your comfort zone and getting your hands dirty.

Memory Verses

What the leaders were proud to see was the different groups piece together the 5 verses from the bible we had cut our for them. Not only did they do that, they even had to memorise some of the verses. And they did it so successfully! well done Effervescence!

To end it off, the leaders hope you all had a good time bonding together with the games, and sharing the things you find being obedient for. As God's word says, Obedience is better than sacrifice. We know it is not easy, and Obedience comes in the form of so many things: Listening to our parents and teachers, loving the people who are difficult to love, spending time with God...

Being obedient is tough, but with God's help, we can do it. Let's not forget what we've learnt on Saturday and the point of the games. Decided to be obedient to God. What are some of your sinful ways or bad habits that God is telling you to change?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

24/7 Prayer

Hey all. This post is coming way too late.

For those who manage to catch this, we will be doing the 24/7 prayer thing this Friday from 6-8pm. We will also be going for dawn prayer at... GASP! 6AM on Saturday! Please set your alarms, for those who are going. After that, we shall have breakfast as a CG before releasing you guys to go home to freshen up. Then, at 2.30pm, we shall gather once again for the very first CG session of the year. Which, promise, is going to be different session.

Hope to see you all there!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Photos are up!

Hey everyone...

Remember my promise to post the photos for the worship and BS session at my house? Well, here they are! I wish I had taken more. I didn't manage to get photos of the pizza the girls prepared but here's the guys' worship session. Don't they look so cool?! I must say that I was very much impressed by how well they took the challenge of leading and playing for worship. And they did a great job don't you think?

I really had fun that day. Would love to do it again sometime soon.