Sunday, February 8, 2009

CG on 21st feb!

Our CG is gonna have a frisbee-cum-captain's ball session with Ch'ng Yi's CG(e new p6's)!Its on the 21st of February during CG time.Please do come and have a time of fellowship together!(:
If you are going for service on sat, do remember to bring a change of clothes!(:
And remember to not come and play in jeans!hehes.That's all folks!Anything remember to tag!(:


replies to tags

heyys.replies to tags!(:
Cheryl: dats wat came to my mind at first marhz.super sop.hehes.y raymund ray ray?weird ehs.hahas.miss ya!
zenas: where gt complicated?hahas.quite easy marhz.hehes.e old blog went through some construction n now dis is the new blog le lo.once in a while i will look for new skins n change the skin experince everytime marhz.i noe ur not critisin.i ask ur gif ur opinions de e aka thingy den lik everybody gt their own alias lo.if u really dun wan den tag again.i can remove it.4 e youth ministry things n CG bs.i will leave it to germs barhz.tks btw 4 ur opinions.feel free to gif more!(:
YONGLING: tag more often ehs.hahas.get the other CG members to tag too!(:


Sunday, February 1, 2009

heyys.the new blog done by amanda and patrizha!(: hahas.hope ya guys lik it.pls tag!there will be no more comments but tag box so jux feel free to chat there(: if u tink there r places needed to be improved, jux tag n amanda or pat will do it.oh ya and if u guys haf ur own blogs, pls tag wif ur url so u can b linked(:
hehes.kaili's the 1st to tag beside mi n pat.hahas.

ppl....tag!!!dis blog is kinda dead man.hahas

,amanda and pat