Monday, December 27, 2010

Countdown to 2011

Hi everyone,

We'll be having a CG event on 31st Dec (Friday). We'll be meeting up to have a good sharing and reflections on your individual lives and how this year has been for you. Hopefully we'll be able to catch up with everyone and find out how each one of us have been doing. We'll have dinner together then after that, the guys and girls will have separate sleepover and countdowns to the new year. The guys will be having it at Zenas' house and the girls will be sleeping over at mine.

Meet: 2.30pm
Location: Admiralty MRT

Before we meet, do already start reflecting on the year. Eg. Think about how whether or not God has been changing you throughout the year. Think about how you would like to see the CG improve etc... I really look forward to seeing you all this friday.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bible Study Topics

Hi all,

As we move closer and closer to a new year, I've been considering the different topics we can study during CG. I've had certain topics in mind already, but I hope that you'll really think about the topics that you personally want to learn more about. If you have anything you'd like to learn about, anything at all, please leave them in the comments section of this post. I know almost none of you will write anything, but please do think about it!!! All for your benefit :)


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Seek for the Truth!

Hey Guys,

Im writing to encourage us about seeking the truth!
I feel that many Christians nowadays do not read the Bible enough, including me.
Have we lost the the passion for knowing the God we worship?

Today, I just pondered about how little Biblical knowledge i have.
For example, i couldn't even name all of the 12 disciples of Jesus.

these are some 'important/popular' or more frequently heard names found in the Bible.









Ask ourselves, how much do we know about these names? about their lives? their ministry?

some of us may know quite alot about these names, some of us may not have a clue who these people really are.

Now, lets try something 'simpler'..

These are some of the common words we sing in praise and adoration to God during worship.




ask ourselves again. do we know what we actually mean when we sing and cry out these words to God?

again, some of us may know, some of us may not

Then what is real faith if we do not know much about who we're putting this faith in.

So i hope that we all take sometime to really ponder and reflect about this in holy discontentment.
Let us take up this challenge of really building up our Biblical knowledge together!
