Sunday, January 6, 2008

First Week of School

Hey guys, welcome to the magical world of teenhood. (And while you guys enter it, half your leaders are very unwillingly stepping out of it)

How was your first week of school? Please let us know! You can post it on the comments section or if you want to type alot, email it to us and we will post it up for you. We want to know your first week's experiences. I guess some of you haven't started on the really serious stuff yet, but don't worry, you'll soon get your share.

Study hard, have heaps of fun, make tons of friends.



Anonymous said...

this will sound really stupid to u guys but i seriously miss sch life..pls enjoy it while it last

Anonymous said...

i reali like my secondary sch now...we had so much fun wid the senior in the camp n learn n plae more fuN games...but i miss my primary scH frens!!!i tink my primary sch frens is better...tought tat i will change when go to secondary...but thn never change the camp end i miss my senior!!!everytime something niice sure will split...cant aLL niice things come together n never goes?
haiz!!!no use sayin tis..its alrdy gonE...

Anonymous said...

first, the first first week of school was not bad excluding the first day, to me the first day sucked like crap. but the camp was not bad...only if my school got sports CCA, then i can quit robotics and join school is not bad la...just that i wish something interesting would happen...but i got to say SEC SCHOOL ROX...too, my primary school sucked like cray, even woirst then prison...atleast now my uniform can let out the shirt(:...and now i can take chinese B, hoorah.....CHINESE SUX( does my chinese teacher(:, but secondary is FUN in some ways...althought today i acidentally knocked into a sec 5 five guy and he pushed me on the floor and called me a... which doesnt make sense cuz its like, calling a human a body part...weird people these to say my class is quite fun...although noisy,and so is my form think best form teacher i gothen since ya...i forgot to say y the first day of sec school was crap...because i was......SCARED...everyone looked so mean and ugly...and big, mostly big, and weird people....and i didnt know some secondary 4 pupils play duel lame...i mean seeing a sec1 pupil playing that is still ok...but a sec to with something nice, people these days weird...(:

Anonymous said...

haha, Zenas, your school sounds a little like the school i'm teaching bear with it ok. Some of the students come from bad backgrounds and aren't as lucky as you to have such a lovely family. The more badly they treat you, the more you should pray for them!!! (:

Anonymous said...

haha it's good that you're actually enjoying school. i find school rather... mundane. LATE = BOOKING.
3 LATES (or any booking for that matter)= detention class
4 LATES (any booking also) = ENTRY INTO SOM. ARGH. entry into school offence module record. which means you're ineligible for any in-school awards.
i am. FREAKED OUT YEAH. and anyway i'm having some trouble choosing cca lorhs.

YONGLING ;) said...

hey dearest people!
hahaa, thanks for sharing man! so nice to hear from all of you. :)
zenas, i know wad you mean, i was from there. share with you more next time. and all, choose CCAs carefully and stay commited to it yah ? :D it helps for Olevels next time haha.

see ya on sat! :D

Anonymous said...

zzzzz i 1 time late detention liao~

Anonymous said...

hello. anonymous. who art thou? and ARGH I HATE BEING LATE.

Anonymous said...

first day was ok la but after a while evrything very sian liao. all teacher boring except 1 mad teacher. Come in shout like crazy latr become funny and nice. ACS I crazy.
Wish Raymund good time at NS

Anonymous said...

good time???
mayb nOT...
mayb yes>??

Anonymous said...

MY SCHOOL ROX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u can guess who i m rite...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

people....this is getting weird... anyways...i got wacked by the same school is turning funny...and at least i get the experience of getting bitten up(:...although it sounds weird...i think its is anonymous...and definatetley ryan...cuz he said ACS I...and ryan....u stole my favourite CCA...:(...and see aweful pics of u and the cg leaders...go to to play games and listen to songs...although its weird...heheheh...i feel like calling myself, a new name like maybe...zebnas, or sanez or BETTY....jkjkjk...thats crap....reamember to LEarN and TEach...smiles...have a blessed new year...and ryan, when u laugh i laugh, when u cry, i cry, when u put a bomb in my pocket, i explode i have been wanting to tell u that i have always luved..............................
................................... disturb u!!!!...hahhahahahahahah

Anonymous said...

zenas i see the hilarity. or was it hilariousness? bitten up as in people BITE YOU? or beaten up?
ROFL. i got this girl in my class who adopted me against my will as a father and now she's going around hugging everyone and kissing all the seniors.

Anonymous said...

why u guyz dun post anywhere anymore... no more time 4 me is it??? im so sad... :(:(:( i luv smiles!!!!!:):):)

Anonymous said...

Um, Nadia. BEWARE... the girl sounds... nvm...

Anonymous said...

school is ok but very stressful

Anonymous said...

which grl... me??? :):):):):)

Anonymous said...

ur a girl!,...ohh i tot u wer gay well anyway u look like one even though i nv seen u now ur a gayish girl or a girlish gay

Anonymous said...

and ryan my love for disturbing u will nv change........................... when u laugh i laugh when u r sad im sad when u cry im there rite beside u cuz im selling tissue paper for two of the price of one......when u eat i feel hungry, when u puke i ran away, when u pee im waiting outside the window wondering how long does ur bladder clear its waste, when u dance in the rain, i there deniying that i knew u, when u shit, i wait out side thinking if u need more toilet paper and when u jump down a building, i say ur siao!

*pls dont try these at ur home........
try it at caleb's house

Anonymous said...

um... zenas... interesting. i wonder what caleb would say to that. and cheryl, it's not that we have no time for you, we have no time for the computer. anyway, the "girl" is the person i was talking about in one of my previous posts. zenas you know her. and um...
why is no one posting any more? *wails*
enjoy your cg while you have the opportunity to, guys.
um. i know i doubt people will be reading this.
but can someone pray for me? my piano exam? 19th feb? i think i will fail lei.

Anonymous said...

fail then fail only means that u might lose ur grades destroy ur reputation and ...jkjkj i have always wanted to say that(:...anyway good luck to it...although i think it was ova now that i post the comment at this i'll pray for u even though it would be people have spoken......actually they have commmented rather then spoken......nvm...let thou be reward with money for time zone......caleb can treat??lol.....nvm/.....ryan if u r now lookin at this comment i would kindly ask u to tell me the meaning of this word......godisnowhere.............

u probaly read that as god is no where...but now read this godisNOWhere.....the point of tis is that read it in a different way but mostly is for the enjoyment i have trick u, ryan! as u look asnd laugh at ur silly mistake, i can control ur mind...Ryan dont think of u naked in the the hall way...i bet u thoght of it...if u didnt i bet ur saying "hah! i didnt ." see in either way i have controled ur as ur seating on the chair lookiing at the com eading this comment, dont u just with u ass squishing in and out, dont u just find ur butt cramping up, dont u just feel ur heart beating? i think so.......but if u dont then i bet ur dead...i controled ur body functions..have fun this year u guys and gays and girls and cgleaders and father and mother and grandfather and grandmother and everyones parents and JJ and RYAN which does not fall into any cotogary

Anonymous said...

zenas... i see...
you were never straight to start with...
you were gay all along...

Anonymous said...

ahem. sorry i just couldn't resist. WHY RYAN?!?!
and um...
talk in...
logical phrases. yeah. logical phrases. indeed.
anyway, 1. why treat WHO with money for timezone?
2. a** squishing in and out? watch your language.
3. S-I-C-K-O. why talk about someone naked in the hallway? germaine, i think Zenas needs counselling. PLEASE. i'm not kidding here. i have never been kidding. please please counsel him.
4. ... never mind.
6. and yeah zenas, that wasn't "controlling the mind". it was making a prediction, which is kind of silly since something as contradictory as that would not need a prediction.

Anonymous said...

yea... no ne posts anymore... *sniff sniff* so sad :(:(:( *sniff...*

Anonymous said...

i posted, cheryl. :)

pat95 said...

ok i m really confused now some1 pls tell me hu is superganny and anoynomous could we at least use our real names

Anonymous said...

yar could we use our own names!

Anonymous said...

weird moron is so weird!

Anonymous said...

i think we have just successfully defeated the whole purpose of posting on a CG BLOG.

Anonymous said...

i feel like tis sound like MSN more thn important or wad comments...reaD ler wastE tiME!!!
posE namE laRR...y aLL weriD weriD DE?!?

Anonymous said...

yeah lor kai. agreed. :)
cl not dat we haf no time 4 u just tt we...
what arh?
4get le. nvm.