Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Open Sunday Instructions

Guys, for next week, 6th January, remember that there is open Sunday. There will be NO CG. You should either go for the 5pm service or the 9am service because Open Sunday will be starting at 11:30AM sharp.

11:30AM Gather opposite church. Receive instructions
12:00PM Set out
17:00PM Back in church

1. One or more bible per team
2. Water bottle
3. EZ-Link card
4. Lunch money (Lunch-on-the- goooo!)
5. Towel, tolietries
6. Sports attire + Running shoes only
7. Extra set of clothes
8. Swimming trunks/costume

From what we heard, you may or may not get dirty depending on how "excited" you get during the game. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

reali cant T-shirt?

Anonymous said...

who's going 4 5pm service?!?
do i need 2 put my surname (Leow) when i post????????????

Anonymous said...

nads... u will see my hair on sun... it sux!!!

Anonymous said...

i cant go for open sunday to inform u guys.T_T. got something on....anyways, have fun(:

Anonymous said...

on second tot maybe i can go....(:

Anonymous said...

UH, okay then good for you. cheryl i think your hair looks better. and um. i think you guys should expect not to see me there. i probably don't want to go. sorry.