Sunday, January 27, 2008

Open Sunday and Valentines day

Seems like time really flies. Once again, it's open Sunday week. And don't worry guys, we assure you that next week's games won't be ridiculous. Remember to get your consent forms signed and bring your sports attire. Since it's on Sunday, am I right to assume that people like Nadia and Grace can make it? (:

Anyway, we also want to take this opportunity to talk about the Valentine's Day dinner. As you guys already know, the condition is that only those who are brining non-christian friends are invited. We hope that you guys take this seriously instead of just bringing your friends for the SAKE OF BRINGING. This event is going to be quite fun (alot of planning has gone into it) and it would be an EXCELLENT time to share the gospel with the people you LOVE. So please do take it seriously. Really think about who you want to invite and pray for them alright?

P.S. Keep the comments coming but please stop SPAMMING with nonsense. ZEN!


Anonymous said...

hey those arent nonsence...those r really useful tips that can be applied in life......u just made me cryT_T.........heart breaker!!!!!!!!hahah maybe shld bring my gf...hehhehehehehehheheeheheheheh...i woudnt anyway...hehehe

Anonymous said...

er....i tink i m bringing a fren tat did go church but she find it boring n seldom comES!!!she come b 4 her mum told her too!!! anywae she come 4 sundae service in WEFC...but she tell miie tt service is boring n seldoms comes unless her mum did!!!
tt should b can ritEZ???

Anonymous said...

can we bring catholics??

Anonymous said...

dunno lei. zenas they were spam. well actually they weren't but they were 1. irritating and 2. pointless. DON'T CRY!

Anonymous said...

u know heart creature....T_T...;sobs sobs......heheheheheh...ahahhahah
i might be bringing a fren, i think....heheheh...wait...only those hu invite then can go?

Anonymous said...

yes, zenas.

Anonymous said...

Amanda!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need help!!!!! Clarissa doesnt wan 2 go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

drags the syllable-
anyway i managed to get someone to come her name's felicia.
zenas bring your gf lor.

Anonymous said...

everybody no time is it? almost one week nobody posted lei.

Anonymous said...

how come people never POST! they have time to send on chain mails but never comment! NOOOOOOOOOOO
cheryl i understand how you feel now. no one has time for the cg. O_O

Anonymous said...

i do not spam

Anonymous said...

hahax....for the next open sunday, lets make the people sleep on some mud

Anonymous said...

havent come here in a long time but anyway there's really no one posting so....