Monday, January 12, 2009

First CG of 2009 - Obedience!

To celebrate the first CG session of the year, the leaders planned a series of games/activities to teach Effervescence "OBEDIENCE". For the benefit of those who weren't there, here's a weblog ofwhat we did that day...


As part of an act of obedience, groups were asked to carry an egg on a spoon. Out of the 3 groups, 2 broke their egges! This proves that despite our best efforts to obey, we can sometimes make a mess of it. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try!


Everyone was made to spin 10 times around a broom and walk in a straight line afterwards. Below is a series of photos of their futile attempts.

In case you're wondering... Amanda fell... (:

Look at Pat lean on the wall for support.

As Noah Obeyed

In the old testiment, Noah was called to build an Ark. No one understood what he was doing and mocked him for it, yet he obediently did as God commanded. In this activity, members were asked to build a head and hand accessory. Embarrassing as it was, Nadia's group obeyed whole heartedly! Quite stylishly, I have to add.

Amanda's team took the easy way out (tsk tsk) thus proving that when no one is looking, it is sometimes easy to disobey! (:

A Dig Into Dirt

For this torturous game, groups had to dig their hand into dirty, disgusting water to find what they were asked to find: A coin, a piece of lettuce and a cooked prawn. If you think this was an easy feat, you obviously need to try it for yourself. Seeing the prawn come out of the muddy water was enough to make me feel queasy.

What we wanted to prove is that obedience sometimes takes bravery and involves getting out of your comfort zone and getting your hands dirty.

Memory Verses

What the leaders were proud to see was the different groups piece together the 5 verses from the bible we had cut our for them. Not only did they do that, they even had to memorise some of the verses. And they did it so successfully! well done Effervescence!

To end it off, the leaders hope you all had a good time bonding together with the games, and sharing the things you find being obedient for. As God's word says, Obedience is better than sacrifice. We know it is not easy, and Obedience comes in the form of so many things: Listening to our parents and teachers, loving the people who are difficult to love, spending time with God...

Being obedient is tough, but with God's help, we can do it. Let's not forget what we've learnt on Saturday and the point of the games. Decided to be obedient to God. What are some of your sinful ways or bad habits that God is telling you to change?


Unknown said...

heyyy peeps. :D i miss u ppl. :D so nice 2 c pics of u guys. :D hope 2 c more.

Anonymous said...

Haha, Cheryl, I'm so sad you're gone!!! I really miss having you around. How has America been? Do you have a CG there as well?

Anonymous said...

Germaine,i know of a website of tagboard for you..but its not cbox,shoutmix ok?

Anonymous said...

ooo cool. I will try it out this week to see if I can figure out how to add it in.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

:D nice of you all to communicate here. germs, good job. :D