Sunday, January 18, 2009

Open Sunday

Open Sunday!

Once again, we are reaching the first week of the month- FEB. Which means only one thing... OPEN SUNDAY! How fast does time fly right? Last I remembered was the school holidays and very soon our first month of 2009 will be over. Can you believe that there are only 12 months a year?!

Anyway, this month's open Sunday is going to be conducted at Sentosa. Everyone should know by now that this will be our Leader Caleb's last open sunday with us so we sincerely hope that all of you will be able to turn up (or at least those who don't have anything to do on Sunday)

For those who are planning to go, you will have to submit your consent forms by next week so the commitee can start dividing us into groups. Remember to bring those forms.

CG T-Shirt

I also want to take this opportunity to announce that we will soon be getting our CG T-shirts with our huge logo in front and name & number at the back. There is one person I would really want to thank for making this happen - AMANDA! Thank you, Amanda, for being so faithful in chasing us all for our size, full name, numbers and payment. Thank you for going to the supplier to get it all settled so all we have to do is pay and get our Tees.

I'm extremely proud and thankful for having you around to do all these for the CG. Thanks!!!


Unknown said...

aw... last open sun... i cant even remember my last open sun. :D 2 many oredi. :D

Anonymous said...

yes last one. lucky we going sentosa haha

Unknown said...

lol. lame as always. :D is e date u going....... :D

Anonymous said...

i am replying.

Anonymous said...

germs, awesme job with the blog(:

Anonymous said...

i totally agree. :D
SOME ppl are so lame. dont u tink so???

Anonymous said...

Thanks ZEN! (: