Saturday, January 3, 2009

Photos are up!

Hey everyone...

Remember my promise to post the photos for the worship and BS session at my house? Well, here they are! I wish I had taken more. I didn't manage to get photos of the pizza the girls prepared but here's the guys' worship session. Don't they look so cool?! I must say that I was very much impressed by how well they took the challenge of leading and playing for worship. And they did a great job don't you think?

I really had fun that day. Would love to do it again sometime soon.


Anonymous said...

aw... cumon... 3 photos only?!? :(

Anonymous said...

we are photo shy ppl. hahah

Anonymous said...

i noe u r. :D but wat abt e others??? so now NYWLUS how? :D:D:D

Anonymous said...

i tink they photo shy too, ppl changed hhaha. no idea who's that

Anonymous said...

lol... pkoto shy eh. :D
sure u dont... how silly of mi... wrong way of typing. so sry. i can type it rite if u wan. :D

Anonymous said...

i tink too much homework is getting to u haha. if we take more pics i will send u k

Anonymous said...

nice try... one more faking i'll say it e rite way. :D

Anonymous said...

hi cheryl, how are u doing over there? school ok for u?

Anonymous said...

yea yea... change e subj. how is... nywlus??? im so gonna type it real next time. u better ans

Anonymous said...

wrong spelling cheryl, it's sulwyn. why u always spell backwards. no wonder i din get it till now, anyway she is fine i guess.

Anonymous said...

yea... sry... i tink aihteb is oso rong rite... din u like bethia last time?

Anonymous said...

of course i used to like her, she was my ex girlfriend wat.

Anonymous said...

yea... i din mean so far back... more like last year...

Anonymous said...

i still like her, but as a very good friend. even till now i still like her as a very good friend. we were already very good friends last year

Anonymous said...

aw... sweet as always... :D so how's everyone? especially ______

Anonymous said...

everyone is ok, doing well. especially me? i am fine dun worry

Anonymous said...

sure...... nvm... i give up. i tink i've dropped enough clues. amanda!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i give up too.

Anonymous said...

hahaa, both of you so nonsense. LOL. =) caleb, nice way of trying to covering:D


Anonymous said...

shut up. concentrate on ur windy sky