Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pri 6 Orientation Hosting Guide

Hi guys, please meet at 8.45am in Cana hall to prepare for the games.
Remember to conduct yourselves in a Godly manner as you guys are setting an example for these younger youths.
Be patient and loving to them.
I'm sure you guys will do great:)


9.00am - 9.30am Worship (Led by Marcus Lim and folks), Devotion (Led by Pastor Timothy)
9.30am - 9.45am Sharing of experiences in Youth Ministry
9.45am - 10am Self-introduction
10.00am - 10.30am Ice breaker game
10.30am - 11.30am Dog and Bone (Modified version)
11.30am - 12.30am Capture the flag/Catching tails
12.30am - 12.45am Wash up, gear up, prepare for lunch
12.45am - 1.30am and beyond Lunch + Fellowship (Everyone)

Sharing of experiences in Youth Ministry

Intro (Patrizha):
Hey guys! I officially welcome you to the Youth Ministry! As you all know, once you enter the youth ministry you will be assigned to LCGs among yourselves. Are you guys excited about entering the Youth Ministry? I bet you guys are! You guys are not all from the same powerkids class right? Later, we'll have an introductory session for you guys but before that, we'll just introduce ourselves and tell you all some facts about the youth Ministry ok?

We are the Sec2 LCG! Our LCG has a name, Effervescence. I am Patrizha, and these are my LCG members....(introduce the rest)

Open Sunday (Celestine):
Every 1st Sunday of the month, we have a youth activity called Open Sunday. The entire youth Ministry will meet for worship, sermon by our youth pastor followed by games. The games are organized by different LCGs every month. Next week will be your 1st Open Sunday every so I'm sure you'll understand more when you're there.

Youth Camp (Amanda):
How many of you guys have signed up for our youth camp? Youth Camp is an annual event that bonds the whole ministry together for 4 days and 3 nights. This year's Youth Camp has a theme on Worship. Youth Camp is not all just about fun and games, it is a time where we can focus about God and learn together as a ministry as well as bond between one another as you get to spend a few days together. This year Youth Camp is from 1st to the 4th of December, Tuesday to Friday. Early bird registration ends tomorrow so sign up quick! I really encourage you guys to come for Youth Camp.

Youth Service (Patrizha):
On the third Saturday of every month, we have Youth Service. The Youth Band will lead us in the worship and Pastor Timothy will give a short sermon after that. What you guys had just now is something similar. It starts at 1.30 and ends at about 2.30. After that, we all split up for our weekly LCGs.

Personal Sharing (Ryan):
Now, I'm just going to share about about my experience being in a CG so far. (Sharing session)


(Wei Sheng):

Ok, we will be playing some games now, but for this 1st game, we need every one to know one another's names. So before we play, we all need to introduce ourselves. Can we go round in a circle saying your name together with 1 interesting fact that the others don't know about you?

Ice breaker game

David explains the Ice Breaker Game

Dog and Bone (with a twist)

Marcus and Wei Sheng:

  1. Divide the group into 2

  2. Number them off

  3. Explain the normal Dog and Bone and demonstrate

  4. Let them try 3 rounds

  5. Then explain the twist and demonstrate the handicaps

  6. Mark the starting points for the 2 groups
For those who don't know, we will be adding a new element to this game. When we call out the number, we will also call out a handicap which they must abide by.


Pick the bone up with chopsticks
Froggy leap
Garbage bag (Jump there in a garbage bag)
Balloon (2 people supporting a balloon between their hips)
Walk backwards

Capture the flag/Catching tails

Wei Sheng and Ryan explain this game

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