Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hi CG,

I really enjoyed the cookout we had that they. I must say, most of you really can cook... The only thing that was half-failed was the muffins. Still, they were edible. Anyway, can those who stayed to eat contribute $5 each for the ingredients? The leaders will cover the rest of the costs.

Because this week is the 5th week, we will not be having CG.

We were trying to think of more (informal) outings we can have as a CG and someone suggested Escape Themepark. I know some of the games a little old-skool already but I still think it will be funning going on all those rides together. I need everyone to send me their schedules so we can pick a good day.

Next sat (6th Nov) is open sunday so there won't be CG again. I will hand out the consent forms to you this week so you can get it signed by your parents. Holidays are coming... LOOKING FORWARD!


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