Monday, March 21, 2011

A date by the reservoir

It was nice. Can we do it again sometime? Oh yea. I'm sentimental like that.


Thanks for the photos Marcus. I absolutely love them. You shall be our designated CG photographer. Says I.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Chee ko peh cookies

Thank you for coming over, Kai Li, Grace and Nadia! I had fun baking the rather fail Chee ko peh cookies. It's a long story... Ask Grace. Anyway, if ever we do try again, it's gonna taste a whole load better...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Hi Cg...I just wanna share dis wit all of u tho it's really late...but can't wait for tml:):) hee...I m attending dis ltp every tue...but dis afternoon I don't feel like gg due to e overwhelming stress I'm facing in sch. Had so many project till I'm so confuse abt all my project mates...but just right after I msg my fren dat I'm not gg ltp...this Christian sitting next to me suddenly, out of e blue, shared wit me abt the church camp she served in last weekend...she told me she was so stressed den cos she haven't finished her assignment...but God assured her that he will be her shelter and be there for her. She then took out her bible and shared dis verse wit me. Right at that moment I suddenly felt like crying...not cos I'm sad or guilty, but I felt the warmt of God and how he gently correct me...I truly thank God...I'll describe that moment wit all of u when I c ur again...SMS cannot explain it all:) so in e end I decided to go for ltp:) I'm still really stress but I'm assured God is wit me...He is Dere for all of u too...enjoy ur hols

Wee Theng 

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Big Picture Conference - Uncovering The Bible's Big Picture

Hi everyone,
The author of one of my favourite Christian Books is coming to Singapore for a conference! Vaughan Roberts wrote the book: God's Big Picture and it puts the whole Bible into perspective and helps you see the old and new testament in one storyline. The book helped me a great deal. I'll be going for it and I really recommend you guys to sign up if you're free! Details below:
Uncovering The Bible's Big Picture - Evening Talks for All
Speaker: Vaughan Roberts
12 & 13 April, 7-10pm
Orchard Road Presbyterian Church
$20 Early Bird / $30. ($15 for 1 evening
Ever wondered how the Old Testament temple is relevant to worship in the New Testament age? Or how stories about Israel, her kings, priests and prophets are related to Jesus, the Messiah for all nations? What are the links between Abraham and David, Moses and Malachi or Adam and Jesus? The BPC aims to help all Christians understand the one storyline of the Bible from creation to new creation. This storyline makes us better bible readers by challenging us to read the various parts of the Bible in the light of the Bible's big picture. The bottom line is a more coherent understanding and deeper appreciation for what God has done, is doing and will do in history.

Whether you are a seasoned pastor-teacher, a sunday school teacher, a parent wanting to teach the Bible to your children or simply a Christian who longs to know God and his purposes from the Bible, BPC is for you.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pastors at work

Ever wondered what the pastors do at work?