Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Controlling our tongues. 25 April 2009

This lecture[?] is extracted from James 3:1-12
Memory Verse:"Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers ,this should not be."
[James 3:10]

What are some things/words that you've heard this week that is an encouragement to you?

Think! Why is it wrong to curse man and praise God with the same mouth?

1 Ability to hurt
(Read v5-8) A few wors spoken in anger can destroy a relationship that took years to built.
E.g. You have a friend who is very close to you. I'm sure you both will share stories and secrets with one another which no one else knows right? So ya. Can you believe if one day, you both quarrel over a small matter and maybe this friend of yours is so mad that he/she shouts out your secrets to everyone. Won't you be very sad and paranoid? Hence, your relationship with each other might be destroyed just because of this moment of folly and to patch back would be pretty hard for some of us.

What do you think are some of your struggles in taming your tongue?[E.g. in school, home, church or even in your workplace..?]

2. The power to Direct
[Read v3-4] Although the tongue is a small part of our body, it has the power to control our whole body.

How can the tongue be used in the wrong ways?
Such as: Gossiping / Sarcasm[?] / Critisism / Cursing [Anger?] / Vulgarities and of course, there's many more!!!

3. Power through God
We must be desperate enough to want God to change us inside out. We can still learn enough to reduce the damage our words can do. Read v9-12
  1. Be determined to change
  2. Ask the holy spirit for help
  3. Come to pleasing God in our speech

The things we say can direct people to God and at the same time it can tarnish the name of God. Therefore we have to ask ourselves 3 things before we use our tongue.

  • T- Truth[?]
  • N- Necessary[?]
  • K- Kind[?]


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