Friday, April 24, 2009

Faith that Works!!!

Key verse:

As the body without the spirit is dead,so faith without deeds is dead.

[James 2:26]

Do you believe that you are going to heaven? Why?
A faith that does not demonstrate its work is authentic. There are many people today who claim they are Christians but you can tell from their actions that they aren't. James does not say"can Faith save him",but "can SUCH a Faith save him" [v14] He isn't talking about a real faith but a certain kind of faith that people profess.
What do you think it means to be a Christian?
True saving faith brings about changes in our lives. There must be evidence in our Faith.

1 True Faith is not something that we say.

Nice words without action won't benefit a needy person. There are lots of people who can say the right things,believe the right things and pray the right prayers and yet they don't show that they are Christians in their actions.

2 True Faith is not what we think or feel.

Agreeing to a set of doctrines or scriptures is not enough. Alot of churches focus on the believing part which is good. But that isn't enough. Even the demons believe that. [Mark 5:1-13] The Lord is ONE. That was what the people at the day held onto and came together to recite.

3 True Faith is something that we do.

A faith without works is useless. Obedience must follow. James used the example of Abraham and Rahab, 2 very different examples. One was a holy man, an example to all. Our faith and our obedience to God must tally. Even when we don't understand why God wants us to do certain things at times, we have to do it out of faith and obedience. Abraham was not saved by his disobedience , but he was obedient out of faith, which is what saves us.

Rahab risked her own life by protecting the spies. She did it out of faith. Our whole lives are our testing ground. Everyday we face temptations for disobedience.

Do we allow ourselves to get caught in it? Or do we let our faith guide our actions? We all know that when we die we will stand before God with the book of our lives opened before us. If we really believe that we are going to be judged, why are we not living our lives the way God wants?

Read Mark 5:1-13

What does Mark 5:1-13 tell you about demons?
The demons spend so much time tormenting people and yet even they revere God. Demons not only believe[head knowledge] but they also have emotions. They have real fear for God and tremble.

How then, are real Christians different from demons?
They fear and tremble God and even bow down. Why demons bow down,they do so in mere fear. They have faith without repentance, love, holiness, a hunger for God and spiritual things. They have a faith without a changed character. But just believing and having our hearts stirred or touched is not enough. True saving Faith involves a changed life.

Read Ephesians 2:8-10
Does this contradict to what James say?
What does Jesus say about Faith and works? [Matthew 7:26-27]

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