Monday, September 14, 2009

The science of Christianity

The Bible

The Bible is not exactly a science text book, in that it doesn't explain the processes of science. However, there are a great deal of scientific accuracies mentioned in the Bible which were ahead of it's time, proving the divine wisdom of the author of the Bible.

The Bible knew it first!

Isaiah 40:22 (New International Version) - The Earth is round
He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

Job 26:7 (New International Version) - The Earth is suspended in the galaxy
He spreads out the northern skies over empty space; he suspends the earth over nothing.

Genesis 15:5 (New International Version) - The starts are countless
He took him outside and said, "Look up at the heavens and count the stars—if indeed you can count them." Then he said to him, "So shall your offspring be."

Job 36:27-28 (New International Version) - The hydrologic cycle
"He draws up the drops of water, which distill as rain to the streams;
the clouds pour down their moisture and abundant showers fall on mankind.

If God created the Earth, who created God?

For this, we need to understand:
1. Everything which has a beginning has a cause.
2. The universe has a beginning.
3. Therefore the universe has a cause.

God, however, had no beginning, therefore, God needs no cause.

Does the Universe really have a beginning?

We know that the universe has a beginning because of the Law of Thermodynamics.
1st Law: The total amount of mass-energy in the universe is constant.
2nd Law: The amount of energy available for work is running down.

The universe could not have existed forever because if this was so, all the usable energy would have been used up, causing what is known as (heat death).

Evidence for the creator – God

There is a natural tendency for all systems of matter to rundown. Energy is scattered and order is lost. Most systems will tend to lead from order to disorder, and towards less availability of energy. That's why heat flows from hot to cold, and why the sun's energy will not make a dead stick grow. Something as complex as the origin of first life can likely arise only if outside information has been impressed on it.

This means that like a clock, the universe could not have just existed eternally and would have had to be wound up at the beginning by someone.

Likewise in living things, changes tend to lead to loss of genetic intelligence instead of an increase in function and complexity. Information is usually destroyed in the process rather than gained. Although natural selection can sometimes lead to the strengthening of a particular breed, it only works by getting rid of the weaker of the lot and cannot be used to justify 'ameba to man' evolution.


Although Darwin (ask who is Darwin) expected millions of transitional fossils to be found to support his theory of evolution, none have been found, except for a few disputable ones. There have been a number of fossils which claimed to be the intermediate of apes and humans but have now been rejected by evolutionists themselves:

Homo sapiens neanderthalenis
Australopithecus africanus

Did God really take 6 days?

Because our knowledge of science from the world today teaches us to believe that the earth is millions of years old, we sometimes find it hard to believe that the Earth was created in 6 days, and that it is only less than 5000 years old. If we take Genesis 1 at face value, we can see that it tells us the Earth was created in 6 days.

To understand the meaning of 'day' in Genesis, we must understand the Hebrew word for day, “yom”. The word “yom” can mean: a period of light as contrasted to darkness, a 24-hour period, time, a specific point of time, or a year. Outside Genesis, yom is used 410 times, each time meaning an ordinary day, so why should Genesis be different? The plural of “yom” or other words (like olam or qedum) which can be used to communicate a longer period of time is not used. God chose to complete his work in 6 days and rest on the 7th to set an example for us to keep the sabbath day holy.

2 Peter 3:8 states that 'one day is with the Lord as a thousand years'. This passage, however, has no creation context and is not referring to Genesis. The context is to the 2nd coming of Christ and is saying that to God, a day is LIKE a thousand years, because God is outside of time and is not limited by it. Imagine if we used that verse as a context for all days, Jonah would have spent 3000 years in a fish!

Some people believe that each day mentioned in Genesis must refer to a great number of years because of the evidence of fossils. However, Adam was created the last, meaning that the fossils would have to be formed before Adam. That is not possible because death only occurred because Adam and eve sinned. Verse 31 of Genesis ends with God saying that He saw what He had made, and it was very good. How could death of His creation be “very good”?

There are always limitations to science. Even today, scientists do continue to find new discoveries to prove old discoveries wrong. (Think Pluto the "planet") Let's trust in the wisdom of God instead of the foolishness of man.

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