Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

End of 2009

It's crazy how fast a year passes. We're now living the last days of 2009. Yesterday, we celebrated Christmas as a CG at my place. Thanks everyone, for all the food you brought or cooked!

It's amazing to see how far we've come as a CG. From the noisy, annoying bunch of kids that you were, you've transformed to a noisy, annoying bunch of slightly more God-loving teens. I hope that we'll continue to walk closely with God next year and grow further as a CG. It's good that we're finally starting to bond more. I can see how much time you guys want to spend with each other. (Seriously sometimes you guys spend WAY TOO MUCH TIME) As some of you suggested, our goal for next year is to be more loving, inviting and accepting of EVERYONE in the CG.

Our next outing will be at Ryan's place on 31st Dec. Thanks for opening your house to us, Ryan! I can't wait for another amazing year. Let's not forget God in everything we do. May we continue to glorify him in all our actions.

Till the 31st,

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hey guys.

i just came back from malaysia not long ago.haha.

i know its kinda random for me to post since i have never posted on the cg blog before.
i was listening to some christian music on my com just now, and i came across the song "all glory" and i went to google search the lyrics. 

To Him who reigns upon the throne and to the Lamb
To the true and faithful King
Who created everything
To the glorious Son of God and Son of Man
Who gave His body and His blood
To take away the sins of all the world
All creation bows before You now
All glory and honor and praise
Jesus, You are worthy
Jesus, You are worthy
All power and wisdom and strength
Jesus, all the glory belongs to Your name
So we worship You forever, Amen.

although our cg has been going for outings these few days, i feel that we're not giving God the glory and praise he deserves. we should thank God for giving us free time to spent with each other and stuff. im sure that during this period of time, most of us have been thinking of christmas and the presents, food and parties that we are going to attend. but remember not to forget about giving thanks to God. giving honor, praise and glory to him. for christmas is about giving and not receiving.

anyway, when i was in malaysia, i watched facing the giants on my brothers com..

its a really good movie. its a christian movie which portrays Gods awesomeness! we should really watch it as a cg one day(:

have a good christmas,

Monday, December 21, 2009

Upcoming events - Dec and Jan

22 Dec - Planning the mini party for the Youth Guidance Youths
25 Dec - Christmas Service. Shall we all attend the 11am service?
26/27 Dec - Christmas Party?
9 Jan - Party at the Youth Guidance Centre.

For those who didn't come last sunday, our CG will be working together with Vera's CG to plan a party event for the youths at the youth guidance centre. We've decided to create 4 mini activity stations. The youths, together with the CG members will be broken up into 4 groups and will go from station to station completing the games/activities. At the end of it, there will be FOOD!!!!

We will be meeting tomorrow (22 Dec) to plan the activities.

For those coming for the Christmas party, it will be a potluck event, meaning everyone has to bring an item. Below are some examples of the food we need:

4 Bottles of Drinks
Cake/pie (Germaine)

Pasta (Patrizha)
Nuggets or Onion Rings
Chicken Wings

Please let me know what you would like to bring.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Youth Camp Reflections

Youth Camp Reflections - Ryan Ngan

Perhaps the greatest demonstration of God’s power that I have experienced is during Youth Camp 2009.

Ever since I was a child, I was raised to become a Christian. Now, I don’t look down on raised Christians considering that I am one myself, but sometimes these Christians’ love for God is artificial. This was what was happening to me. My zeal and passion for God was being snuffed out like a candle on a windy day.

Enter Youth Camp 2009.

Being part of the Valentine’s Day 2010 committee (I <3 Woodlands), I had to brief roughly 150 youths on what we were going to do for Valentine’s Day. Furthermore, I had to share a bible verse. Imagine sharing biblical knowledge to people older than you when you haven’t been experiencing God in your life for awhile! So I blanked out right up until 5 minutes before my time to share. Then I felt God’s mighty touch.

I was inspired to share in a way that made me so convincing and passionate (I suppose…) that if I had recited the exact same words I would not have gotten the same effect. People were kneeling, people were weeping young men and women, hearts zealous for God were crying out praises to God. It was wonderful. While speaking, I was in tears myself, thinking to myself “What have I done to make such a big impact on this camp?”

During the next few hours, younger and older youths alike were approaching me and clapping me on the back, praising me for such a convicting message, making me confused once again. What had I done right? In that instant God spoke to me. He said “Nothing. You have done nothing right. All you have done is being my vessel.” And that is good enough for any faltering Christian to ask for.

Youth Camp Reflections - Zenas Lim

Before the camp, I was going through some problems and stuff and i guess i was spiritually dry. I believed in christ but I did not act like a christian ya... said alot of vulgarities, I didnt care about going to church and stuff. Going to cg was a drag for me. But i only went because my brother kept nagging at me.

I felt like "why are my cg friends so close to God but I'm not?". But i didnt tell anyone of course. However, when youth camp came up, it clashed with my robotics camp. Somehow, although I was really close to my friends in robotics, I decided to go for youth camp because I felt that it would be more meaningful.

The 1st day of camp: the games were quite fun I guess.. but I really enjoyed praising God under the "stars". Although there were no stars, it was just amazing to look up and see the moon and clouds; to see how magnificent God is. The sermon for the first day was meaningful to me too. 24/7 praising God is a really hard thing to do but I saw the need for it in my life.

The 2nd day: "who dunnit?" was interesting. But what really opened up my heart was the when Ryan shared about his testimony. I broke down before God in repentance. I realized how blessed I was to grow up in a christian family, but all of my life I'd been complaining about what I didn't have or complaining about how how other kids were more blessed than me. But so many people out there still do not know our God, and there I was for the past 14 years of my life taking God's blessings and love for granted. That started to open up my heart. I took worship, sermon and devotions more seriously, and I began to feel the Lord's presence working in me. I could feel my relationship with Him growing closer.

Although camp's over, im still trying really hard to keep God in the center of my life and not to stray away from Him. I'm really glad that i attended this camp.

I know that it was what God had planned for me.

Youth Camp Reflections - Amanda Lu

In this year's camp, firstly I've learnt about persistence and endurance. Being in the camp committee taught me that camp is more than merely fun, more than merely all the good food we have but it's all about God. God should be the center of the camp and everything we do. He is the center of our lives and we should turn to Him 24/7 and not when we need Him.

For God said in the word, 15But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; 16for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy." 1 Peter 1:15-16

Being in the camp committee was tough and tiring. But nevertheless, we made it. Although there were times where we kept joking around and did not get on track, we did not forget about God. We made God the center of all our meetings, having devotions, worships and prayers before meetings. We did not forget God and made God the center. (:

Even though the camp committee couldn't play the games like the campers and enjoy the camp like the campers, I had fun (: Even more fun than being the camper although there were times I wished I could play. I prayed to God about that. I told Him that I couldn't be so selfish and think of myself, that although I couldn't play, I was able to see how the campers enjoyed themselves with the games the camp committee planned and I thank God for that!(:

Zenas told me when I was down “But remember, love driven relationships are not given by a boyfriend or girlfriend. That love thirst only can be filled by God. 'To love the God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and all your strength.' Mark 12:30"

Thank you Zenas for making me realize that I've taken the Lord's love for granted. I always thought that God would always love us so we don't have to turn to him and just wait to be loved but I'm wrong. The Lord sent his only Son to die on the cross to pay the penalty of our sins. No man on Earth would go through so much suffering to save everyone but Jesus did. He did it because He loves us and yet a lot of us take His unconditional and unfailing love for granted!

Marcus also told me this quote “Don’t miss the chances life is giving you to spend with the people you love. Remember that in life, there are no rewinds." This taught me to treasure whatever I have now and not to regret in life.

I want to thank the Lord for letting me have such close friends that encourage me when I'm down and reminding me that God is there always. Thank you Lord! Our CG, Effervescence, has grown so much over this 2 years, spiritually and physically. Those who have been turning away from God, I want to pray to God to bring them closer to Him and for those who have grown closer, I want to thank he Lord for bringing them so close to You Lord.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hi all, I believe most, if not all of you know that I'm at another christian camp in Malaysia now. I'll be back for CG on the 19th again.

The youth camp just ended not too long ago. As a part of the camp committee, it was touching to see how many youths responded to God's call back. The theme of the camp was Worship and during the camp, many of you learnt how to be more open in our worship to God.

On the 2nd day of camp, Ryan shared a very compelling testimony with the campers. Thanks to God's work in his life, he left many campers reduced to tears by the end of his sharing. I will definitely get him to put it up here to share with those who didn't get to hear it.

I know that many of you felt really changed by the end of camp. I want to encourage you to answer God's call and decide to follow Him. It won't be easy, especially once school starts, but let Jesus' love compel us to give our lives to him and surrender our all at his feet.

Thanks Zen for being the 1st to email your testimony. I've also received a few others. I broke down after reading them. I really felt that we've been so lacking as your CG leaders and it's by God's grace that you've all been called back to Him. What I touched me the most was how you are all starting to have the spirit of encouragement which is so precious and important.

I'll put all the testimonies up back in Singapore. I look forward to receive the rest of your testimonies as well! All Glory to God:)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

These are photos from Youth Camp 2009 and CG games on 12th Dec(: Thought i would post the pictures(:

And we have a new CG member. Applause for BRANDON!!