Monday, December 14, 2009

Hi all, I believe most, if not all of you know that I'm at another christian camp in Malaysia now. I'll be back for CG on the 19th again.

The youth camp just ended not too long ago. As a part of the camp committee, it was touching to see how many youths responded to God's call back. The theme of the camp was Worship and during the camp, many of you learnt how to be more open in our worship to God.

On the 2nd day of camp, Ryan shared a very compelling testimony with the campers. Thanks to God's work in his life, he left many campers reduced to tears by the end of his sharing. I will definitely get him to put it up here to share with those who didn't get to hear it.

I know that many of you felt really changed by the end of camp. I want to encourage you to answer God's call and decide to follow Him. It won't be easy, especially once school starts, but let Jesus' love compel us to give our lives to him and surrender our all at his feet.

Thanks Zen for being the 1st to email your testimony. I've also received a few others. I broke down after reading them. I really felt that we've been so lacking as your CG leaders and it's by God's grace that you've all been called back to Him. What I touched me the most was how you are all starting to have the spirit of encouragement which is so precious and important.

I'll put all the testimonies up back in Singapore. I look forward to receive the rest of your testimonies as well! All Glory to God:)

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