Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hey guys.

i just came back from malaysia not long ago.haha.

i know its kinda random for me to post since i have never posted on the cg blog before.
i was listening to some christian music on my com just now, and i came across the song "all glory" and i went to google search the lyrics. 

To Him who reigns upon the throne and to the Lamb
To the true and faithful King
Who created everything
To the glorious Son of God and Son of Man
Who gave His body and His blood
To take away the sins of all the world
All creation bows before You now
All glory and honor and praise
Jesus, You are worthy
Jesus, You are worthy
All power and wisdom and strength
Jesus, all the glory belongs to Your name
So we worship You forever, Amen.

although our cg has been going for outings these few days, i feel that we're not giving God the glory and praise he deserves. we should thank God for giving us free time to spent with each other and stuff. im sure that during this period of time, most of us have been thinking of christmas and the presents, food and parties that we are going to attend. but remember not to forget about giving thanks to God. giving honor, praise and glory to him. for christmas is about giving and not receiving.

anyway, when i was in malaysia, i watched facing the giants on my brothers com..

its a really good movie. its a christian movie which portrays Gods awesomeness! we should really watch it as a cg one day(:

have a good christmas,

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