Tuesday, April 27, 2010

May Open sunday

Hi all,

This weekend is open sunday weekend so there won't be CG on saturday. For those who haven't heard, we are planning the games for open sunday. We have decided on the game:

The youths will be divided into 6 teams. Each will have a representative to be a mummy, wrapped in toilet paper. The other group members will each have one hand tied to the mummy and they will serve as the protectors or their own mummy, while trying to attack the other team's mummy.

To attack, groups will have to pick up sponges, wet them at the water stations and try to hit the other teams mummy. The team that has the driest mummy at the end wins. We estimate to use 1.5h for briefing, preperation and game play so the rest of the time can be for alpha and worship etc. We have about $100 for drinks and simple prizes.

We need to buy:
Toilet paper
Rafia String
3 pails (We should borrow them if possible)
Drinks (for refreshment)

This sunday, let's meet for service at 8.40am, then after service, we will go buy the necessary props/food!


Monday, April 19, 2010

Hi all,

CG on 24th April

The coming CG will be at my (Germaine's) house. Let's meet at admiralty MRT promptly at 2pm as some of the members need to rush off for baptism class after CG. We can't afford to end late! We will be starting a new Bible Study Series called God's Big Picture. In the series, we will learn about the different books of the Bible and how they actually form one great story. Ok la, it's not as boring as it sounds! We will understand about the story of the Israelites and how Christianity became Christianity that it is today.

The homework for everyone is to read Genesis chapter 1-20. I know it's rather long, but you should have already read 1-12 last week. Anyway, if you divide it into a few chapters a day, it's very managable.


I think some of you already know, Zenas will be going for a school trip to America on 21st April. For those who see this, do take a moment to pray for him: For safety, as well as his studies (as he's leaving during a crucial studying period).


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Dear Effervescence,

For the longest time, I've wanted to earn your trust, love, confidence and more. I think as a leader, it's very easy for us to fall into wanting to win acceptance from our members. In short, we want our members to love us, and to know we love them. Over the years, I've come to realise that this is a very selfish and silly "want". I should be winning the approval of God, not my members!

I believe that some of you know that I care for you. I know that some of you think I don't. It's tiring sometimes, to care for so many of you. To have your time and energy split up into so many little sections. It doesn't help when sometimes, you feel as though this care is not being appreciated, or even being misunderstood.

I think what I'm trying to say is: As a leader, I can be harsh at times. I used to be afraid that by being harsh, I'd end up being hated by everyone. But now, I believe that no matter how harsh I am, you should know that I do it out of love, out of concern. If ever I reprimand anyone, it's because I care enough. Ultimately, I am God's servant. I am accountable to God. My job is not to make everyone happy, but to lead each and every one of you closer to God.

Love us or hate us, at the end of the day, we are your CG leaders. And we care for you. No matter what you think...


Authentic relationships

Building Authentic Relationships
Acts 2:42-47

Do we see the inner hurts that others carry? The church must have a structure to minister to wounded and needy members in the community on a personal level.

What do we do when our church starts to grow? In Acts, the people gathered to the temple to listen to the apostles. After that, they would gather in homes to continue fellowship. Church should not be restricted to the four walls of the church building. Regularly attending sunday service is not enough. We need to be able to open up our lives to others for accountability to see growth in our spiritual lives.

5 essential practices to building authentic relationships:

1. Self-disclosure: To know and be known

We need to expose ourselves to other people. It should go beyond superficial thoughts to deeper opinions, problems, aspirations etc. Deep down inside, we want people to know who we are. We can only share our stories in smaller settings. Self-disclosure is important for us to experience intimacy with each other and with God.

At the same time, we have to share things at the appropriate time and setting, lest we stumble others. We must not want to know people's secrets and struggles for curiousity's sake but out of love.

2. Care-giving: To love and be loved

1 John 3:16-17 We need to practically meet the needs of others. The word 'fellowship' used in Acts 2 meant the sharing of lives. We need to accept one another's differences. In Christ, we become one body, to the point that we should feel one another's pain. If we are to minister to a lost arting world outside the church, we are to truly have fellowship with each other for support.

3. Humility: To serve and be served

Jesus set the supreme example of humility. (John 13:4-5) He washed the feet of his disciples to show the full extent of his love. As the master, he took on thr posture of the servant for his disciples. In the account of the cruxifiction, Jesus, our God, allowed himself to be stripped down to his undergarments. He endured humiliation with all humility for our sake.

4. Truth-telling: To admonish and to be admonished

Admonition is often linked with teaching and encouraging. This ministry calls people to change and provides them with help to do so. We all have blind spots in our lives; flaws that can only be seen by others. They hinder our transformation and even relationships with others. Loving criticism from each other can help eradicate these blind spots from our lives. Withholding truths can stunt spiritual growth in people's lives.

5. Affirmation: To celebrate and be celebrated

We need to be reminders in each other's life and celebrators. Affirm and encourage each other even for the smallest progress.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

CG - 17 April

Hi all, there's Corporate prayer this sat. Please meet at woodlands at 1pm! Then we'll head to 801. Please remember to bring your Bibles!!!

Also, we will be planning open Sunday for next month. It can be outdoor games, or something like the last open sunday, more meaningful/educational... Please start thinking of ideas.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

hey guys, i know this is quite random cause i think its my first time posting when no one asked me to :) 
so i guess im posting cause its a sunday night and soon its going to be another long week..for me, the hardest time in the week is during weekdays. with cca, school activities.etc its really hard to do QT and i have to admit i struggle sometimes.
and with school influences.etc its hard to put god in the center.and its always either during cg or service where im really reminded of how i have to honour god in whatever i do. 
and with MYE coming up, i feel that it will be busy weeks for all of us (including germs now :x) so i guess this is just a form of encouragement to the cg, as a cg, to continue coming for cg even with the schedules that we have. god bless to everyone in the week again. 

Start acting like it...

Sometimes... (and this is not targeted at anyone in particular)
Sometime...I look at you guys and wonder...

Why are you so angry?
Why are you so depressed?
Why are you in self-pity?
Why are you bitter?
Why are you so ungrateful?
Why are you so miserable?
Why do you complain so much?
Why are you so judgemental?
Why are you so selfish?
Why do you resist authority?
Why are you superficial?
Why are you so insecure?
Why do you harbour so much hatred?

Jesus Christ, your GOD, died on the cross to give you LIFE...
Or have you forgotten?

Maybe it's time you start acting like it...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

more than a religion


For those of you who came for CG this week, you would have heard me mention a book I've been reading recently. The title is "Unchristian", and it speaks of all the bad impressions youths today have of Christianity. Unfortunately, the impression that people have of our religion and our God will be based on the impression they have of us. When people see us displaying ungodly behaviour, it will turn them further and further away from God! This book listed the top negative impressions people had of Christianity.

Those that struck me were:
1. Hypocritical
2. Judgemental
3. Anti-homosexual
4. Too Sheltered
5. Too evangelistic

I do want to elaborate a little...


Christians have gained a reputation of preaching things we don't do. We say that love is the most important thing, yet we don't show enough genuine love when situations call for it. We call ourselves Christians, but it's only in name. We pretend to be Holy and Righteous but when people take a better look at us, all they see is emptiness.

Instead of being like the pharisees, we should live out our faith. Walk the talk! Instead of telling our friends what it means to be a Christian, display it though your love and actions! Live life at Jesus did and let your friends see the truth about Christianity.


Sadly, most Christians are guilty of this. We see someone in sin and we judge them, not realising that we too are sinners, only saved by God's grace. We think that just because we go to church, pray and read the Bible, that we are so much better and righteous than others. We are ever so proud. We are so quick to judge and condemn people for the things that they do.

Did God really want us to play judge to his people? Who are we to claim that role?! God alone is the ultimate judge. What he wants us to do is to love his people, to care for them and to lead them to him!

We should be careful of the way we perceive others. When we see someone doing something wrong (sinning), do we gossip about with our christian friends, or try to find a kind way to help them? As a CG leader, this is something I've always struggled with. But I'm learning that I am in no position to make any judgement. God gave me the role to teach and love. So that's what I'm going to do. Instead of criticising people for the things they do, how about making a good difference in their live.


Even though we know that God says homosexuality is a sin, it does not give us the right to hate homosexuals. God himself hates the sin but loves the sinner. We should learn how to love them too. This doesn't mean that we approve of what they do, it just means we love IN SPITE OF what they do. Completely cutting them out of our lives will cause them to lose the opportunity to learn of God's love and grace for them.

I have friends who are gay and I believe you may meet friends like that in the future too. Understand that they have their struggles as well. Don't isolate them, but rather, take the chance to shower them with God's love.

Too sheltered

Some people think that if you're a Christian, you are committing intellectual suicide. They think we live in an unrealistic bubble, oblivious to the world. As Christians, we have the responsibility to continue "upgrading" ourselves. We shouldn't be Christians blindly. Learn and understand our faith. Uncover the evidence that shows why our God is the true and living God! Show the world that we are not living in a world of our own. We need to be "IN THE WORLD" but not "OF THE WORLD".

Too evangelistic

We know that sharing the gospel is what God wants us to do. However, we must be careful not to do it in a way that offends people. If we preach in an offensive manner, not only will we not convert, we will turn people further away from Christ. Another thing we must remember is that people are not simply "evangelistic projects". This means that when we care for people, we shouldn't do it just because we want to convert them. If they reject Christ, does that mean we should stop loving them? God commands us to love the people around us. And people will know if we have an ulterior motive to our concern for them. Instead of making evangelism very technical, start by showing love and letting the Holy Spirit guide you into sharing the gospel sincerely.

Perspectives can be changed

Although so many negative perspectives are lurking, they can be changed. It's sad to know that we are doing such a lousy job representing Jesus. But instead of wallowing in shame, let's use this as a wake up call to make a difference to this generation we're living in. Start with the friends and people around you! Always be conscious that the moment people know you're a Christian, they will be watching you to see if you are any different from a non-christian. If there really isn't a difference, what reason would they have to believe our God makes any difference in our lives?

As ambassadors of Christ, let's show the world the correct impression of Jesus Christ. Let's be the loving, wise, courageous person that Jesus showed himself to be during his time on earth. Let's live out our faith!!!

Take a moment to pray that God himself will transform you...


Thursday, April 8, 2010


Change of plans!

Due to the 5pm baptism class that our members have to attend, our CG will start earlier. We'll meet at 2pm at Woodlands MRT station and leave promptly at 2.10pm (latest). Those who are late can meet us at Amanda's house directly. Please, have more respect for the CG and be there on time. It's sad when people are late without a real excuse. We are dealing with God's word and should have a little more reverence and respect. Those who genuinely have CCA and stuff, don't worry, we understand.

See you all on sat!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

CG at Amanda's

Our next CG session will be at Amanda's place. We'll meet at 2.30pm at woodlands MRT. Once again, bring your journal, file, Bibles. See you guys there!

Friday, April 2, 2010

The forgotten?

If you're reading this post, please take some time to pray for the following members. We haven't seen them for a while and by God's grace and power, they may come back with enough prayer.

Shaun (Not the Cat high one!)
Hao Jie
Kai Li
Xin Ting
Zi Ying

Dear Heavenly Father,

we pray for all these CG members whom we've sometimes forgotten. Lord, we're sorry that we never made an effort to be better friends. To get to know them better or to show them concern. Lord, we ask for another opportunity to make a difference in their lives. May you shower your grace in their lives. Bring them back to CG where they can get spiritual nourishment and support from the members. Help us to go out of our comfort zones and actually bond with them. Teach us to be better friends to them and help us to encourage them to join us for CG and events.

Father, we also want to pray for those who are not "in" CG anymore. Father, we pray for Cheryl, who is halfway across the world from us. We still remember and miss her so much! Lord, we ask that you continue to protect her. May she grow in love and wisdom as you teach her and guide her in your word. We thank you for her devotion so far. The many times she's checked this blog even though she's so far away. Thank you God. Lord, we also want to pray for Sherri, who's now in another church. Father, though she's no longer with us, we ask that you stay close to her and keep her safe. May you give her wisdom, to interpret your word accurately and to discern right from wrong. Holy Spirit, strengthen and empower her. Develop the fruit of the spirit in her.

Lord, lastly, we want to pray especially for Yong Ling, whom we haven't seen in ages. Though we may not know the exact struggles she's going through, but we ask that you be kind and patient with her, and that you help her through them. We thank you for how much she's contributed in CG so far. God, may you never give up on her. Forgive us for not caring enough. Please keep watch on her and let her know that she has friends in church who will always be there for her.

All these we ask in Jesus' name,

Thursday, April 1, 2010


This sat's BBQ will be at Ryan's condo. We will be meeting at 5pm at Woodlands MRT station. Please be there on time! Remember to bring $6.50 for the food.


I want to encourage you guys once again to take the step of baptism! We will only be having it once this year. I want to stress that being ready for baptism is not about how good you are. Neither will you suddenly become a perfect person after baptism. Instead, it's a conscious decision that you believe Jesus died for you and that you want to receive him as Lord. It's about declaring that you are a CHRISTIAN! It's an amazing and joyful event. As for the changing of you old bad habits, it is a life-long process. The Holy Spirit will convict and mould you and your behaviour over time:)