Saturday, April 17, 2010

Dear Effervescence,

For the longest time, I've wanted to earn your trust, love, confidence and more. I think as a leader, it's very easy for us to fall into wanting to win acceptance from our members. In short, we want our members to love us, and to know we love them. Over the years, I've come to realise that this is a very selfish and silly "want". I should be winning the approval of God, not my members!

I believe that some of you know that I care for you. I know that some of you think I don't. It's tiring sometimes, to care for so many of you. To have your time and energy split up into so many little sections. It doesn't help when sometimes, you feel as though this care is not being appreciated, or even being misunderstood.

I think what I'm trying to say is: As a leader, I can be harsh at times. I used to be afraid that by being harsh, I'd end up being hated by everyone. But now, I believe that no matter how harsh I am, you should know that I do it out of love, out of concern. If ever I reprimand anyone, it's because I care enough. Ultimately, I am God's servant. I am accountable to God. My job is not to make everyone happy, but to lead each and every one of you closer to God.

Love us or hate us, at the end of the day, we are your CG leaders. And we care for you. No matter what you think...


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