Saturday, April 10, 2010

more than a religion


For those of you who came for CG this week, you would have heard me mention a book I've been reading recently. The title is "Unchristian", and it speaks of all the bad impressions youths today have of Christianity. Unfortunately, the impression that people have of our religion and our God will be based on the impression they have of us. When people see us displaying ungodly behaviour, it will turn them further and further away from God! This book listed the top negative impressions people had of Christianity.

Those that struck me were:
1. Hypocritical
2. Judgemental
3. Anti-homosexual
4. Too Sheltered
5. Too evangelistic

I do want to elaborate a little...


Christians have gained a reputation of preaching things we don't do. We say that love is the most important thing, yet we don't show enough genuine love when situations call for it. We call ourselves Christians, but it's only in name. We pretend to be Holy and Righteous but when people take a better look at us, all they see is emptiness.

Instead of being like the pharisees, we should live out our faith. Walk the talk! Instead of telling our friends what it means to be a Christian, display it though your love and actions! Live life at Jesus did and let your friends see the truth about Christianity.


Sadly, most Christians are guilty of this. We see someone in sin and we judge them, not realising that we too are sinners, only saved by God's grace. We think that just because we go to church, pray and read the Bible, that we are so much better and righteous than others. We are ever so proud. We are so quick to judge and condemn people for the things that they do.

Did God really want us to play judge to his people? Who are we to claim that role?! God alone is the ultimate judge. What he wants us to do is to love his people, to care for them and to lead them to him!

We should be careful of the way we perceive others. When we see someone doing something wrong (sinning), do we gossip about with our christian friends, or try to find a kind way to help them? As a CG leader, this is something I've always struggled with. But I'm learning that I am in no position to make any judgement. God gave me the role to teach and love. So that's what I'm going to do. Instead of criticising people for the things they do, how about making a good difference in their live.


Even though we know that God says homosexuality is a sin, it does not give us the right to hate homosexuals. God himself hates the sin but loves the sinner. We should learn how to love them too. This doesn't mean that we approve of what they do, it just means we love IN SPITE OF what they do. Completely cutting them out of our lives will cause them to lose the opportunity to learn of God's love and grace for them.

I have friends who are gay and I believe you may meet friends like that in the future too. Understand that they have their struggles as well. Don't isolate them, but rather, take the chance to shower them with God's love.

Too sheltered

Some people think that if you're a Christian, you are committing intellectual suicide. They think we live in an unrealistic bubble, oblivious to the world. As Christians, we have the responsibility to continue "upgrading" ourselves. We shouldn't be Christians blindly. Learn and understand our faith. Uncover the evidence that shows why our God is the true and living God! Show the world that we are not living in a world of our own. We need to be "IN THE WORLD" but not "OF THE WORLD".

Too evangelistic

We know that sharing the gospel is what God wants us to do. However, we must be careful not to do it in a way that offends people. If we preach in an offensive manner, not only will we not convert, we will turn people further away from Christ. Another thing we must remember is that people are not simply "evangelistic projects". This means that when we care for people, we shouldn't do it just because we want to convert them. If they reject Christ, does that mean we should stop loving them? God commands us to love the people around us. And people will know if we have an ulterior motive to our concern for them. Instead of making evangelism very technical, start by showing love and letting the Holy Spirit guide you into sharing the gospel sincerely.

Perspectives can be changed

Although so many negative perspectives are lurking, they can be changed. It's sad to know that we are doing such a lousy job representing Jesus. But instead of wallowing in shame, let's use this as a wake up call to make a difference to this generation we're living in. Start with the friends and people around you! Always be conscious that the moment people know you're a Christian, they will be watching you to see if you are any different from a non-christian. If there really isn't a difference, what reason would they have to believe our God makes any difference in our lives?

As ambassadors of Christ, let's show the world the correct impression of Jesus Christ. Let's be the loving, wise, courageous person that Jesus showed himself to be during his time on earth. Let's live out our faith!!!

Take a moment to pray that God himself will transform you...


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