Sunday, June 27, 2010

CG beach outing

CG Beach Outing

Hi Effervescence,

You guys did a great job planning and executing the beach event we had on Saturday. I'm very proud of all of you. A big thank you for those who prayed, for those who invited their friends, for those who made an effort to talk to the guests, for those who planned... and for everyone who came.

I was really worried at first because of the rain. But praise God! The rain stopped just as quickly as it started and our event still went on. A few of our guests actually said they had fun and that they would join us for other events in the future. Even though during this event, we didn't get much of a chance to share about the God whom we believe in and love, I believe that we've already accomplished the first step in introducing them to our CG. Do continue to pray for them and invite them for yalpha and other events!

This is one event that's really made me see that our CG can be outward looking. We can be unselfish. We can be loving. I don't know about you guys, but now I'm even more excited to see what else we can be doing for the people around us. Our friends, neighbours and even our community. My prayer is that our CG is one that God can actively use to touch the lives of others.

Well done, Effervescence. Your leaders are really encouraged.


P.S. Can I say again how touching the cake surprise was (:

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