Sunday, July 18, 2010


Thanks everyone, for coming for CG this week. And thank you to the 3 guys who shared on their different passages. I especially want to commend JC for his work. I know that teaching is not something you're completely comfortable with but I thank you for putting effort into it. I think you did a good job.

A big welcome to Wee Theng. I'm really glad that you are joining the CG. Even from the 1st session, I can already see that you have a lot of insight to offer and I'm excited to see what you can bring to the CG. We're really happy to have you here. I'm sure everyone's just delighted to have a new leader :)

I don't know how school has been for you all, but I'm starting to feel the load of it all. I feel like my life has been split into 2 major sections, Music and God. Half the time is spent learning and teaching music. Then the other half is spent learning and teaching about God. It's quite funny when you put it that way.

I just realise we hardly share much about ourselves and I really think we should start doing so as a CG. My young adult recently started email chains where everyone just emails each other about how they've been doing and since then, we've grown a lot closer. I hope we can start something like that as well. Possibly by email. We'll see.

Sometimes (well, actually most of the time) I find leading a CG tiring and stressful. You have no idea the kind of burden I feel for the CG daily and how many times your different names pop up in my mind. Over the years, I've learnt to pour my worry, excitement, and sometimes even the pain that I feel because of the CG into God's hands.

I have learnt that while I am your leader, you are more importantly God's children and there's no way I could ever care for you more perfectly that God can. Seeing the growth in some of you, I'm glad to be one of the leaders that God has used to mould you. It's not my work but God's. I know I must stop trying to take things fully into my own hands, but let God do his work of transformation in you.

As mentioned during our last meeting, we are starting on the new series - the devotional book that you all bought. Remember to finish the 1st chapter before we meet again next sat. I look forward to seeing everyone again next week.

In his perfect love and my imperfect one,

Philippians 1:9-11
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.

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