Tuesday, August 31, 2010



Hi all,

I don't know how your walk with God has been recently. But if it hasn't been good, if you feel like you've been sinning, if you feel so ashamed and guilty, I just want to encourage you to go back to God in repentance. God's love for you is not dependent on how you behave. If you are a child of God, there is no sin so big that Jesus' blood cannot wash away.

I was recently thinking about the idea of guilt. You know that since we are children of God, every time we sin, the Holy Spirit in us will convict us of sin and this can sometimes make us feel guilty. Satan can try to use this guilt to make us hide away from God. But the right way is that this guilt should drive us to stop that sin and turn to God in repentance and look for His forgiveness. Don't let this guilt drive you away from God. Seek His help in removing this sin from your life.


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