Saturday, February 26, 2011


Hello people, thanks so much for coming for the gig with me. And, ahem, I'm really sorry I got the time wrong. I'm a real failure at leadership... But I enjoyed the conversation!!! (minus David's dreadfully long movie synopsis)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Jie's Gig next sat evening?

Jie will be playing a short outdoor gig next sat at the Esplanade. Free! I'll be going and I think some of you are interested. Its around 6-7pm. Let me know if you can come. It'll be fun. You're 16 (almost), live a little!


Roles in CG

Secretary: Xin Ting
Bible Study: Nadia, Grace
Birthdays: Patrizha, Brandon
Worship: Ian, JC
Evangelism: Zenas, Ryan
Girls IC: Celestine
Boys IC: David
Events/wellfare: Marcus, Amanda (team: Eve, Joshua, Hao Jie, Kai Li)

For those who are not sure what your role involves, please ask me or Wee Theng!


Youth alpha in CG

Hi, for those who didn't come for Cg last sat, we were announcing that this year, Youth Alpha will be conducted on a CG level. Meaning for about 12 weeks or so mid year, we will be covering topics which are very suitable for non-believers to come for to find out more about God. Its an amazing opportunity to invite our friends. To be honest, I'm really really excited about it. I can't think of a better time to start now that you're sec 4 and going to leave your secondary school soon. If you're reading this now, and not at all excited about God using you to bring salvation to your friends then I really want to reflect about the kind of Christian you are. We don't receive salvation just so we can selfishly keep it to ourselves. We are expected to share this gift! Catch the passion!

It's really good that we can start this early, because it gives us time to prepare ourselves and work towards out goal. Be more sensitive to the people in your class. Start looking for friends you want to invite and be praying for them. Look out for at least 3 friends you'd like to invite. As I mentioned, it doesn't always have to be your closest friend. It could be someone in class who has problems, or someone who's lonely. Start by being an example of Jesus for that friend. Pray for them persistently. Then when the date is cast in stone, we'll send out the invitations together. By God's grace, may we impact the lives of people around us.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mistaken Identity

Hello people,

I was having a Romans class with pastor Edward this afternoon, on the topic of dying to sin and being baptised into Christ Jesus. Pastor Edward told Lloyd and I a story which really helps to explain this:

There was a rich man who while travelling the world, came across a poor village. While resting there, he noticed a poor young boy in the slumps, digging through the filthy rubbish to find something to eat. When he asked about the boy, he was told that the boy was an orphan, left to fend for himself. Pitying the young boy, the rich man decided to adopt him and brought the boy back home, to his mansion. He gave the boy a nice room and good clothes to wear. However, when it came to dinner time, the boy was nowhere to be found. Worried, the rich man sent his servants off to look for the boy. They eventually found the boy outside the mansion, digging through the rubbish, in search of food for dinner.

Just like the boy, many of us have been rescued by God from the chains of sin in order to live a new life, yet we foolishly continue in our sinful ways. In Romans 6, Paul said "How can we who died to sin still live in it?" The moment we received Jesus Christ, our old self was crucified with him in order that we would no longer be slaves to sin. Our bondage to sin is broken, we have been set free! Now, you no longer face the fear of being condemned by the law. Rather, you are given the freedom and power to be like Christ.

Let's not live a life of mistaken-identity. We have been saved so that we should be free from sin and more like Christ. The first step to doing that is simply understanding the significance of this truth. We are to CONSIDER OURSELVES DEAD TO SIN. Remember, we still face the pressures of sin, but we are master over the sin, not the other way around. We've been adopted into God's family just like the young boy was, and equipped (by the Holy Spirit) to live out his standards. Let's live up to this new identity we've been given.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

You don't know how many years it took me to realise that it was Valentine's Day, not Valentimes Day.

For quite a few years, my friends and I would spend Valentines Day together. We'd prepare a picnic. (By picnic, I mean it more like alfresco dining... because our food, was a spread) We'd whip up pasta, lamb, soup, fruit tarts. Then we'd drive down to the reservoir, set up a table beside the water, put on some candles, get the wine out and enjoy the dinner. I guess we stopped because we all got busy. But I miss those days.


Bible study on Romans

Dear CG,

for those who do not know, I've actually decided to meet up with Ryan and Zenas apart from cg time to groom them as leaders. (I would like the rest of you take the time to consider if you'd like to be working toward a similar goal as well. Do let the leaders know if this is something you are considering) At first, I was thinking of just doing the book of Romans with zen and Ryan alone. But after thinking about it, I decided that I shouldn't bar anyone else who has the sincere desire to study the book from coming for the extra lessons. So this is an official invitation for you guys to join for the Romans classes. Romans bible study will be twice a month which leaves me one session a month with Zenas and Ryan alone.

I have very simple but specific requirements if you'd like to join the classes:
You are expected to come regularly once you've committed yourself to the lessons (unless you have a genuine reason not to)
You are expected to do all the homework involved
You must have the desire to learn and grow

I don't mean to discourage you from coming. I would love it if everyone was interested. It's just that I want the classes to consist of focused disciples studying God's word passionately. My demands are not that you already know God's word so well. My demands are that you have a heart to learn.


Germaine's short film

Check out my video!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Good morning saints, remember how I said I would annoy you with my never ceasing-messages? It's been a while since I did the quiz thing. And you're probably too old for this but whatever... 1. Under which king did Israel split into the northern and southern kingdom? 2. How did Eli the priest die? 3. Which king went to see a witch to ask to talk to a dead prophet? First to answer correctly gets something. Enjoy your day at school!


A very wise leader once told me (this was a few years back) that a leader has to love the members so much that even if the leader reprimands them, he or she'd still be understood to be showing love. I've always remembered this, not that I've been able to practice it fully. I hope you guys remember this if you become leaders.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hello world. Studying the book of Romans now, I'm once again reminded of the 3 tenses of salvation that God gives us. Past salvation: justification. This gives us the security that we have been saved from eternal condemnation. Future salvation: glorification. This refers to our future at the end of time when we will be fully released from the presence of sin. Finally, the most applicable salvation, present salvation: sanctification. God gives us the Holy Spirit, which gives us the power to overcome the present sins in our life. Make no excuses today, ask the spirit to help you overcome sin. What a glorious gift God has given us. It's an amazing truth, the knowledge that we have been Set free from the power if sin. Now, present yourselves as slaves to righteousness instead of slaves to sin. Have a good day in school :)

Monday, February 7, 2011


I went for my friends's Chinese new year dinner and met a Malay friend of mine. Talking to Malays never fails to remind me how much in common our religious roots are. I've recently had more of an urgency in wanting to evangelize. But it's such a scary thought. I keep reminding myself of the Romans verse: I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of salvation. Sometimes I almost feel guilty sharing because I think it's something people dislike listening to. I need to be bolder and more proud of the good news. I want to be more gospel conscious in life, to source out for opportunities more, to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit's prompting, and to go out of my way to share. I was really challenged by how Zenas is already sharing the gospel in his class and I've been inspired to ask God to work more through me in this area.

I'm looking at 2 channels to explore. One is the internet (through forums and such) and the other is local missions, talking to foreigners in Singapore. Since there seem to be more and more Chinese nationals in Singapore, I've decided to brush up on my Chinese. Anyone willing to help go through the book with me? There are too many words I don't get... (This is a genuine request btw, though why is it that I'm already half expecting no one to reply?)


Friday, February 4, 2011

New books

Hello people, I recently bought 2 new books which I think may be quite good for teens ur age. Reason to believe ($18) is on apologetic, answering (in a simple and understandable manner) the basic questions that most non-christians or skeptics have. The other book, can I be sure I'm saved ($10) answers the important question that most Christians have. I myself struggled with the concept of salvation for the longest of times.

Let me know if you would like to buy or borrow any of the books. They come highly recommended by me:)


Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Wish the rest of you could be there...