Monday, February 14, 2011

Bible study on Romans

Dear CG,

for those who do not know, I've actually decided to meet up with Ryan and Zenas apart from cg time to groom them as leaders. (I would like the rest of you take the time to consider if you'd like to be working toward a similar goal as well. Do let the leaders know if this is something you are considering) At first, I was thinking of just doing the book of Romans with zen and Ryan alone. But after thinking about it, I decided that I shouldn't bar anyone else who has the sincere desire to study the book from coming for the extra lessons. So this is an official invitation for you guys to join for the Romans classes. Romans bible study will be twice a month which leaves me one session a month with Zenas and Ryan alone.

I have very simple but specific requirements if you'd like to join the classes:
You are expected to come regularly once you've committed yourself to the lessons (unless you have a genuine reason not to)
You are expected to do all the homework involved
You must have the desire to learn and grow

I don't mean to discourage you from coming. I would love it if everyone was interested. It's just that I want the classes to consist of focused disciples studying God's word passionately. My demands are not that you already know God's word so well. My demands are that you have a heart to learn.


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