Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Effervescence Yalpha (9th July)

Alright guys, here's the run down of what's going to happen on Saturday! :)
First off though, I'd like to apologize that its so late :/

The day will go on as listed,
Introduction » Games » Dinner » Talk
(Explanation of games will come last, Please read if you have time to familiarise yourself with the games)

1.Introduction  (3.30pm to 4pm)
The introduction is basically made up of 3 separate icebreaker games which will be played in the order listed,
a. One Truth One Lie (Patrizha)
b. Blow Wind Blow
c. Musical Chairs (Nadia)

2.Games (4pm to 5.30pm)
Following the introduction is the games section,
a. Quack Quack game (Ian)
b. Dog and Bone (David)
c. Toxic waste

*Edit: Name of GameMasters have been added beside the name of the games!

3.Dinner (5.30pm to 6.30pm)
Dinner will basically be potluck,
The guys will prepare something, the girls will be something else (I am unsure about who does what though)
If you want to find out, please check with Pat(:

Edit: (Pat here.) Basically everyone is doing finger-food.
When we discussed last time, this is the list.
Guys: Burgers, Fries and Soup.
The people in charge of the above mentioned food is David and Zenas.I'm not sure whether you guys are meeting earlier to make it so you all discuss among yourselves.

Girls: Salad, Nuggets and Drinks.
I'm not sure if we're going to add more but we're preparing it at germaine's house before yalpha.

NOTE: Amount depends on how many people are attending altogether so we need to finalise it as soon as possible.

4.Talk (6.30pm to 7/7.30pm)
The talk will be handled by Germaine and Wee Theng,
I believe that a large part of the talk will be answering the questions which have been posted to them, so please get any questions your friends might have about Christianity and refer them to Nadia(:

With regards to logistics, we have yet to get any of the items we require,
Therefore, we'll be meeting on Thursday/Friday after school to get the items, I'll send out a text later regarding the matter.
Here's the list of items we require,
-Disposable Cups
-Disposable Plates
-Disposable Utensils
-Trash Bags
-Drink Dispenser [Bringing: Pat]
-Blindfold x1
-"Bone" / "Bones" (For dog and bone)
-Raffia String
-Plastic Cup/Mug
-Ping Pong Balls x10
-Buckets/Pails x4 [Bringing: Ryan (2), Kai li (1),] *one more required!
-Music (Laptop + Speakers, etc.)

Edit: Hat and writing materials no longer needed(:

6.Game Explanation
Okay, from here, I'll be explaining all the games so that you guys are familiar with them.
*Edit: Name of GameMasters have been added beside the name of the games!

1a. One Truth One Lie (Patrizha)
- We'll be sitting in a circle, One person starts by saying out 2 statements, One being true, another a lie
- The rest of the group will then guess which statement is true, which is not
- After deliberating and guessing, the person will reveal which statement is true, which isn't
- This continues until everyone has had a turn

1b. Blow Wind Blow
- Everyone will still be sitting in a circle, except now, one person will be standing in the center
- The person in the center will start with the statement : "Blow Wind Blow"
- The rest of the group replies with "Blow what?"
- The person in the center continues with "Blow ...... (A fact)"  Eg. "Blow all the people who have siblings"
- Everyone to which the fact applies gets off their chairs and looks for another seat, with the person in the center also competing for a seat
- One person will be left in the center and the round starts again

1c. Musical Chairs (Nadia)
-Chairs in a circle less then the number of players
-Music will begin playing and all the players will be walking around the circle
-When the music stops, all players to compete for a seat
-Players left without a seat is eliminated
-This continues until one person is left

2a. Quack Quack Game (Is still a little unsure about this game) (Ian)
- Everyone will be in a circle, with one person in the middle
- The person in the middle will be blindfolded (and spun)
- He/She will approach someone, then will have to guess who that person is through requesting they make the sound of a certain animal (Etc. "What sound does a cow make")
- The game proceeds with someone else being blindfolded

2b. Dog and Bone (David)
- The group will be split into two teams, on either side with a 'bone' in the center
- The members of each group will number themselves off
- The Gamemaster will continue by shouting a number(s) (Through an equation/ Just the number)
- The members whose number corresponds with the number shouted will run for the bone, pick it up, and return to their side of the field
- If in possession of the bone, and is tapped, the person will have to drop the bone and is eliminated
- Once back to their side of the field with the 'bone' in hand, a point is scored

2c. Toxic Waste
- Two separate teams will have two buckets/pails each
- One pail will be filled with water and ping pong balls, the other empty
- Every member of the group will be attached to a plastic cup/mug with the use of raffia string
- The aim is the get from the end with the empty pail, to the one which is filled, collect a ping pong ball into the cup/mug without touching the cup, and deposit it back at the empty pail
- The game will be controlled with a time limit, After time is up, the team with more ping pong balls in the empty pail wins

7. Final points
I will be sending out a message soon regarding Yalpha.
Basically, the message will be about you availability on either Thursday/Friday to get the logistics,
Whether or not you are confirmed coming on Saturday and the number of friends you're bringing,
And lastly, Whether or not you are okay with being a Gamemaster for one/two of the games.

p.s. If there is any error in the post, please feel free to correct me. You can also contact me if you have any queries but I might take a while to reply =x

Remember to keep praying for the friends you want to bring along, as well as for the event itself!(:


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