Friday, June 28, 2013

Joy and the likes

God, I'm sorry that I'm always slipping/sinning with the intention of later asking for your forgiveness. I'm really not used to being such a weak Christian. I guess it's really true what they say, what we choose to fill our minds with will determine the decisions we make. I keep thinking I shouldn't be a leader at this point if I can't even glorify you in these things. But I know I should change instead of stepping down to excuse my mistakes.

I really seek your help to turn things around. I know things are not going well not just for me, but for many of the CG members too. Father, I really ask for your mercy. I pray that you give us all the joy of seeking you and the desire to have you present in our lives. It is not something that can come out of our own will power. Discipline, yes, joy, no. Teach us to delight in you and your word. And father, revive the fellowship that we have as a CG, that we can learn to admonish and encourage one another. Revive our fellowship with you. Help us to want you above else.


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