Sunday, June 23, 2013


Today, Sherrie and I were discussing the sermon we'd heard. Long story short, she had her doubts about pastor Edward sharing the story about a non-Christian believing in the power of our God and requesting for prayer. Eventually the prayer worked. She had issues, because she felt that it might not be representative of the Christian life. My challenge to her was that we are, perhaps, are too theoretical (aka theological) centred that we doubt that God can move very practically in our lives. I mean, not that He must answer all prayers, but if we have a God that's all-powerful, His presence in our lives should be manifested in some practical ways. Well, our discussion didn't go very far and even though I had my stand, I didn't believe that that would be characteristic of my walk with God.

A few hours later, we were at sherrie's house and she was searching for more than a thousand dollars that had been left in her care. I ignored it for a quite a while but seeing her search in vain for so long, I casually suggested prayer. She didn't seem very keen so we left it as that. As she got more desperate, I suggested prayer a few more times but she turned the offer down each time. Finally, I was her surprised at her lack of faith and really questioned her about it. It's strange because I'm usually the one lacking in faith. I don't like to pray because I don't believe they will be answered and I hate the disappointment that follows. It was strange but I had a huge conviction to get Sherrie to pray and I knew that we would find it if we did. Come to think of it, I was almost at the point of rebuking her. I told her that she was really doubting that God could help in practical situations. That she only believe God spoke through the Bible. That she didn't believe in the power of prayer. I told her to keep searching till she was at her wits end so that she could believe it was God's work when she finally turned to prayer. Eventually, she gave up and turned to prayer. We prayed.

We searched for about 2-3 minutes after and I was getting disappointed that we didn't find it as immediately as I was sure we would (mind you, I am never sure of these things usually). Just as I started to feel that way, I heard Sherrie on the phone. She had called the friend she was going to travel with and the friend told her that the money was with her. Apparently, Sherrie had put it in some compartment of another bag and had passed it to her. When I heard that, I was disappointed as I thought that the friend had known that all the while and that would sort of discount the effect our prayer. After Sherrie put down the phone, I found out firstly, this was not a place Sherrie would have recalled putting the money, and secondly, her friend, Gracia, had only found the money 5 minutes ago, around the time when we had decided to give up on our own efforts and pray.

We discussed the experience after and addressed how unbeliving we actually were as Christians. I told her that I felt very strongly that God had wanted to use me to teach her the power of turning to God in prayer and the reality of God's power in our lives. This was the first time I felt such a strong conviction to deliver a specific and direct message from God. I am usually the biggest skeptic about these things. Well, today served as a huge lesson for both of us. I guess for Sherrie, it had to be important as prayer is the biggest weapon in the mission field. Perhaps one day I'll read this post and be doubtful of the whole experience again. But for now, while it's all so fresh and real to me, I need to learn to be less doubtful about people's testimonies of God's work in their lives. I need to believe that while the prosperity gospel is to be rejected, God can and does answer prayers in our lives.

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