Thursday, September 23, 2010

Exam Period

Exams again?!

Hi Effervescence,

I know it's exam period again. For some reason, your exam period seems to be all year round. Hearing from other CGs, every time exam period comes, commitment to God seems to drop. Studying becomes an excuse to neglect God. What does it say when we place a bigger importance on studies than on God? I do want to encourage you all to be exceptionally faithful to God during this time. I believe it's tempting to compromise on CG, service, Bible study, quiet time... But I also believe that when you honour God, God will honour you.

If we are faithful to God ONLY in the good and easy times, what does that really show about us? It's when things are getting tough that your faith and steadfastness is truly tested. I know how tedious studying is. But don't let it cause you to lose sight of God. Keep God in the centre of it. Honour Him by studying hard and honour Him by spending time with Him, even when time is already limited.

Try this: Every time you get ready to start studying (even after a break), begin with an heartfelt prayer to God. Seek to please Him with your studies and ask for His wisdom and strength to study hard.

May our CG learn to live for God :)


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