Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sin in a Christian's life

I was at a Christian bookstore yesterday, when a lady started talking to me. She was trying to recommend me some books by Watchman Nee, a Chinese writer and preacher. She told me that many Christians avoid Watchman Nee's books because he is very honest in writing about God's expectations of Christians. I do think God expects a lot, but isn't it amazing that He doesn't expect us to do it alone. We have the Holy Spirit in us to guide us.Well anyway, the lady and I ended up talking about sin in a Christian's life and how Christians are supposed to be growing and never staying stagnant.

Consider your own life. Compared to how you were one or two years ago, have you become more Christ-like? Has the spirit been working in you? And have you been obeying its promptings? We can never reach perfection and we should never be satisfied with the level we are at!

The book of 1 John has very clear words. 1 John 3:4 Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin. No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either sin him or known him.

My cousin told me that he had a friend who memorised the entire book of 1 John. And with good reason! The book takes a very strong stand on people who claim to be in Christ yet continue to indulge in sin! How can someone who has an encounter with the LORD MOST HIGH remain unrepentant and continue in his own way?

I worry sometimes when I look at Christian youths who have no intention of changing their ways. I've been there once. Was worse than you would have imagined. As I encountered Christ, I couldn't help but change. Sin made me feel too guilty. It no longer had the same appeal compared to the glory of God and the inheritance to come!

Are you disrespectful to teachers? Do you cursed and sweared online and offline? Do you lie? Do you dishonour your parents? Are you unkind to your classmates? Do you gossip on your blog? These are just few of the many potential sins we could commit.

I'm not sure if you're aware, but sometimes when Christians speak, there almost seems to be a complete DISREGARD of God! What lack of fear and reverance we have nowadays... I do believe that many people will die THINKING they knew Jesus but Jesus would say "Depart from me, I never knew you." My heart goes out to people who have a false assurance of salvation. When you don't see Christ in your life, you have to wonder, is He really in your life?

Sanctification is a two way street. The Holy Spirit will promt, but you have to obey. Please know that you're never living up to the leader's standards but the GOD MOST HIGH's. At the end of your life, we are not the ones you'll be facing, it's God. I do want to wish all of you the best in your walk with God. Learn to seek Him with all your heart!


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