Friday, April 15, 2011


I'm reading this amazing book. It's basically talking about our responsibility as Christians to share the gospel even though it is God who does the work of converting the people we're sharing with. The danger for us is either to assume that we are the ones doing all the work, or take the other extreme, which is to assume God does everything and we needn't do anything. The book teaches us where our human responsibilty lies in light of God's ultimate sovereignty.

Evangelism is something that I'm starting to feel more and more strongly about. I wish I had caught the passion earlier, in my secondary school days. There's so much I would have done differently then. I would have tried to be a better example of Christ, to care more for those who were the "outcasts". I wish I could have been a better instrument for God in winning souls to Him.

How can we not care about the souls beside us that are perishing? We need to reflect on how we've been living our lives. Are all our ambition and goals worldly ones? We need to realise how temporal everything is and learn to refocus everything on God. A real Christian dies to himself the moment he receives Christ. This is what it means for us to carry our cross. We die to self-centredness.

I am excited for youth alpha and the potential that it has. But there's no point in me being excited if no one is going to do anything. Everyone needs to catch the passion for the lost. I am really hoping and praying that as a CG, we can humbly come before God and present ourselves to be used by Him in evangelism.

So the quetion is: have you been praying for the friends you're thinking of inviting?

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