Sunday, April 17, 2011

Feedback about CG

Yesterday we spent sometime reflecting on the things that we liked about CG, and the areas we felt we really needed to work on. Below is the list we came up with. I'm glad everyone shared honestly. Hopefully now that we've laid them out, we can really keep ourselves (and each other) in check, and really strive to improve things. As I mentioned, coming for Cg is not just about receiving but giving as well. We come to learn and teach, to be cared for and to encourage. I've been praying for us, that God will reveal our weaknesses and give us the power to improve on them. Do pray along with me. 

Things we like about CG:

The fellowship, dinners, outings and games
Being able to share with one another
Bible study is deeper, more meaningful, applicable and there's always something new to learn
Worship sessions
Members are fun and interesting

Things we dislike about CG:

Cliques (though slightly better now)
Noise at inappropriate times
The irregular attendance
Spiritual state of the CG doesn't seem as good as it should be for long-term Christians as ourselves
How we place other things before Christ
Lack of heart for evangelism
We are not serious enough about God
We don't approach other people (people outside our cliques or new people) and talk to them more
Bible Study can sometimes be dry
Our attitude towards God (like our conduct)
Our attitude towards Bible study

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