Friday, April 29, 2011

The evangelistic message

1. God

- Who He is, His standards
- God created us and has an absolute claim on us

2. Sin

- Man's rebellion (Our rejection of Him as God)
- We sin continually and are sinners by nature
- Sin is an offence against God and has disrupted our relationship with Him
- Nothing we do ourselves can put us right with God again
- We will have to face judgement and punishment for sin
- The emphasis of the gospel is not about making one's life better, but rather, restoring our relationship with God

3. Christ

A. The person of Christ
- Jesus was the son of God, risen Lord and perfect saviour

B. The work of Christ
- Jesus became man
- Lived a blameless life
- Died on the cross as an atonement for the sins of those who receive Him
- Raised and ascended to heaven

We must be careful to present BOTH the person of Jesus Christ as well as his work. Man is called to believe both upon Him and His work.

4. A summons to faith and repentance

- Both faith and repentance are acts, not just feelings
- Faith: casting oneself completely on Christ and the promise of mercy he gives to believers
- Repentance: A change of mind and heart with a new life of denying self and serving God instead
- Conversion can be called a turning: away from sin and to Christ
- We must accept Christ as both saviour and Lord

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