Sunday, January 31, 2010

hey, this is just a reminder for those going for the Valentines Day Event this coming sat and are involved in the ice-breakers, for those who did not put down their name the other day. you can ignore this(:
but for those did:
please meet at cana hall at 3pm sharp -try not to be late *coughs* not like today:D
for those who went for the briefing at 1.30 you would know that we have paired up with someone younger than us...they will be the people you would do the ice breakers with and sit at the same table (correct me if i'm wrong)
so that's about it .
i sound like germs . LOL
P.S can we go for the 9am service on sun ???

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Getting right with God

Getting right with God

How many of you have ever felt this:

You're in the middle of worship and you've started lifting your hands and being in the whole position of worship. Then suddenly, a wave of guilt hits you. You think back on the last week and how little time you've spent with God. You remember all the little sins you've committed. You feel like such a faker, such a fraud. You wonder why your hands are in the air, and if anyone knows how empty you actually are. You start to question whether your worship is real.

I know I've felt like that before. Sometimes, I try to ignore the problem. On my better days, I choose to cry out to God in repentance.

I was reflecting back on the sermon once again, the topic of confession. Effervescence, it's time for us to get right with God again. Even in school, we commit a hundred sins before the day is over. We get so used to sin that we're numb. We curse, we swear, we tell lewd (dirty) jokes. We convince ourselves that it's the norm so well that we actually start to believe it's ok.

Whatever happened to the purity and holiness that God values and EXPECTS of his children? If you're reading this post, take a moment ask yourself this: Is your behaviour pleasing to God? Do you want to be right with God again?

It's simple. Confess and repent. God is there with opened arms. That's the God we call Father.


Monday, January 25, 2010

30th Jan

V-day Pre-Event 30th Jan 2010

Hi all, for the 30th of Jan event, please gather at Cana Hall by 5pm. We will be heading to the Youth Guidance Centre together with Vera's CG. I will only be able to join you at 5.45pm but I think Wei Sheng will come earlier. As explained, we will be playing games and bonding with the other teenagers. Please try to mix more with the new kids alright! Don't keep sticking together with each other. Try your best to talk to them and make them feel welcomed. We will be inviting them for the 6th Feb event at the end of it.

Do continue to pray for the event in the meantime ok? That's the most important thing!


Sunday, January 24, 2010

CG bonding time

Effervescence Bonding Time

Hi everyone, hope you all have been having fun bonding as a CG and learning about God. Although many of the games we played on sat were quite silly, I think we enjoyed just being together right? I was just thinking, it's sometimes so easy to forget God when we start to enjoy each other's presence so much. Let's never forget that God is the reason why we exist.

I think it's possible for us to glorify God even while we play. I was thinking back about the youth camp. While some teams wanted to win very bad, other teams cared more about bonding with each other, giving everyone opportunities and having fun.

I hope that our CG will produce the kind of members that cares more about the team members rather than the win. This means that we sometimes have to let members who are weaker take part at the risk of losing the game. God values this sort of attitude much more than the fact that you win, I can assure you that! I believe that quite a few of you are like that, which I'm glad about.

CG Journals

The CG journals have also been distributed. For those who haven't received them, please get them from me. These journals are for you to write down sermon notes, prayers, thanksgivings, verses you want to remember and other stuff that God has been teaching you. I think it's very timely since we are having a sermon series on Spiritual Disciplines, this is one good way we can start disciplining ourselves as a CG.

I was so happy to see many of you start copying down sermon notes on Sunday. I really hope you can keep the habit up. Not only that, continue to remind and encourage each other to bring those journals and write in them ok? I'm glad to see us grow closer and more disciplined as a CG. I really thank God for watching over us so much :)


Spiritual Discipline - Confession

Confession - Living Beyond Regret
Psalm 32:1-11

We all have different sins piling up, causing us guilt and regret. Some could be because of oversight, some are plain disobedience, some are habits we can't get out of. God wants us to live a life that's free from these baggages; a life beyond regret. But to do that, we need the simple act of coming to God (and sometimes one another) in confession.

The Blessing of confessing our sins

Man dislikes confession because it means the moment we confess, it means we have to stop the sin. Thus, we try to hide it, ignore it or convince ourselves that it is not sin. The only way we should handle sin is to confess it before God. This is something we Christians have lost as a habit. Psalm 32 talks about being relieved of sin's baggages.

Pardon from sin (V1 - 5)

We can be free from sin; forgiven. (V1) When we confess, God will not count the sin against us. It frees us and we no longer have to live double lives. Unconfessed sin negatively affects our lives in more ways than we expect. David says in the Psalm that when he kept quiet, his bones wasted away. Unconfessed sin also saps energy out of people.

In confessing his sin, David called it 3 things: Sin - falling short of God's mark. Iniquity - A bent toward sin. Transgression - Stepping over the boundary. The end of V5 promises God's forgiveness and the wiping away of our guilt. We'll be given a clean slate again and can live life beyond regret.

Protection from trouble (V6 - 7)

We should come to God in repentance before our hearts get hardened. V6 speaks of God's protection when we confess. This protection doesn't mean God will remove the consequence of our sin. It means that the guilt, remorse and regret will no longer be able to chain us down.

Promise of divine guidence (V8 - 11)

Many of us have walked the wrong way so long that we no longer know the right way. V8 onwards of the Psalm suddenly changes and speaks to us from God's position. It promises guidence and counsel. God says that He will personally instruct us the way we should go.

A lot of people have the wrong opinions of repentance. We simply say sorry to God, but we go back into the same sinful acts. When we know we are in the wrong, we have to do something about it, and live right again.

At the end of his confessions, David was able to rejoice in the Lord again. The joy of his salvation had been restored. By putting the discipline of confession in the Lord's prayer, He shows that He wants it to be a daily routine for us. Let's check ourselves, even for the seemingly smaller sins like anger, lust, disobedience, not honouring our parents and confess them to God in repentance today.

Friday, January 22, 2010

30th Jan

Valentines Day Pre Event

As most of you know, our CG will be in charge of a pre event for Valentine's Day. It will be on 30th Jan and we'll be hosting a group of teens. The games are from 6 to 8pm (there won't be CG before that). We'll be playing the blanket game to get to know each other, followed by a different version of Captain's Ball.

Blanket Game
We'll first start with an introduction session to get to know one another's names. Then we'll be split into two groups on both side of the blanket. Each team takes turns to send one person behind the blanket and when the blanket comes down, they must aim to say the other person's name first. The loser will have to move over to the winner's side.

Captain's Ball
For this version, instead of using a normal ball, we'll be using different things such as a dough ball etc. Instead of having the catcher stand on chairs to catch the ball, they'll be given a stick with a hula hoop attached and the different teams score by throwing the ball through the hoop.

After the 2 games, we'll have a chill our session where we'll eat dinner together.

We will need to buy small door gifts for them tomorrow after our CG bonding thing. I really need to apologise for not getting us to pray for the event more. Tomorrow, we shall pray. Pray Pray Pray. Guys, can you also pray individually at home. We need God's hand in this.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

23th Jan

Hope everyone is enjoying school.
Hope A-maths isn't as tough as it seems :)

See you all at CG this Sat, 23 Jan.
We'll meet in Cana hall at 2.30pm.
For those who can stay after CG, we'll be having a CG bonding session.
We'll play some games then head for dinner till about 8pm.
Do come if you can!


Monday, January 18, 2010

Solitude - Slowing down to hear God

Hey everyone, I thought the lesson on solitude was actually quite important for our CG. For those of you who are really serious about God and about wanting to hear him, let's try to practice daily solitude with God. Just quieting ourselves down, reading the Bible and trying to discern what God is saying to us.


Spiritual Disciplines
Solitude - Slowing down to hear God
Mark 6:30-32

Reject Hurry Sickness

This is a disease can destroy our soul and spirit. We must remove hurry from our lives. The danger is not that we will renounce our Faith, but that we will settle for a shallow form of Christianity, not ready to enjoy the spiritual treasure God wants us to have.

While mordern technology helps us do things faster, they distract us or take up even more of our time. We are presurred to cramp more and more things in less and less time. Hurry will keep us consumed from what God says and prevent Him from taking His roots in our lives.

One symptom is that we know about alot of things but never in dept. It also takes away time we spend with our love ones.

Recognise the need for solitude

Jesus urged his disciples to take a break from their busyness. He always found time to seek solitude with God in the midst of all his busy activities. Even before he started his ministry, he spent 40 days in the desert.

Mark 1:35 Even with so many needs to be met by the people, Jesus still saw the importance of spending soliditary time with God. We need to set aside solitude time with God to be with Him in order to hear God. Slowing down will help us get spiritual perspective for our lives. It will allow us to discern God's will.

Solitude, practiced with silence can help us to control our tongues. In silence, we learn how to reply on God's control. Observation and listening skills will be sharpened. We will learn what needs or needs not be said in public.

Restore the practice of Solitude

In practicing solitude, we should withdraw from conversations, distractions, sounds. Have a Bible, journal and pen beside. Listen to the rumblings in our hearts and what God is saying about it.

Solitude must be intentional and planned, not just done when we have any free tine to spare. Unless we schedule it in, its hard to discipline ourselves to do it.

On a daily basis, should read the Bible and journal. The key for this is not to spend time in deep Bible study, but to simply spend time with God. Focus on one thought at a time. Allow God's word to sink deep into our soul. Enjoy God's prescence and allow Him to speak directly into our lives.

We should devote half a day a week for God.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Youth Vision and Priorities 2010

Hey Yo(: Amanda here(: I'm gonna update you guys on this week and last week's Corporate Biblestudy(:


Youth Vision and Priorities 2010

Purpose- Why we exist
Vision- Where we see ourselves
=> Proverbs 29:18, Exodus 9:16, Psalm 33:11
Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint;
but blessed is he who keeps the law.
Exodus 9:16 But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you
my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.
Psalm 33:11 But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever,
the purposes of his heart through all generations.

Growing WISER:
How do we grow WISER in balanced discipleship?
Matthew 22:37-40 [The Great Commandment],Matthew 28:19-20[The Great Commission]

W-orship, Love the Lord you God with all you heart,soul,mind
I-nstruction everything you, teaching them to obey as I have commanded
S-tewarship, Love your neighbour as yourself
E-vangelism, Go and make disciples of all nations
R-elationship, Baptise you in the Nameof the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Worship (Romans 12:1-2) - a passionate worshiper
Romans 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your
spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of
this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you
will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing
and perfect will.

>Develop Youth events as a WISER platforms
>Grow Youths to be faithful and committed in prayer
>To start PACE partners with LCG

CG Discussion Questions:
>Read Acts 2:42-47

Acts2:42-47 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. 44All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. 46Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

>Identify the 5 WISER
>What is the purpose and vision of your life? What about in you LCG?
>How do we grow in worship in 2010? As an Individual and as a LCG?
>Commit Youth Ministry and each other in Prayer (worship especially)


Instruction ( 2 Timothy 2:15) - a growing disciple
2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

To equip Youths and Leaders with Biblestudy Training

>Called to learn

To develop a Youth core curriculum

>key components for LCG

>depends in LCG

To develop a Bible and book reading plan

Psalm 119:105 Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

>Books on different subjects to encourage Youths

To hold 1 FJT (Follow Jesus Today) workshop quarterly

>Teen-related issues

Relationship (Hebrews 10:23-25) - a transformed member
Hebrews 10:23-25 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

For every LCG to be a healthy platform for every Youth to be WISER

Maintain a balanced leader-core-member ratio

To hold 1 social open sunday

"The Christian life is more than believing; it's belonging and becoming."
Rick Warren

CG discussion questions:

Read 2 Timothy 3:16, Why is it important that we grow in God's word?
What can we do to grown in God's word?
Share briefly something that you learnt from your QT or God's word recently(past week)
Read Hebrews 10:23-25, Why is fellowship necessary? How can we grow in the quality og our fellowship?(e.g. LCG)
Split to pray with you PACE partners.
Letter to the Father

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank you for the work you've done in Effervescence. You've taught us so much over the years and just showered your grace upon us. Lord, forgive us for failing you as leaders so many times. We do try, but sometimes it gets very tiring. But Lord, you've been so kind and ever so generous. You've used us in all our flaws and imperfection to serve your purpose in CG. And you've brought us so far.

Father, Effervescence thanks you for allowing us to learn more about you and learning how to love you. Thank you for bringing us together despite our different backgrounds, personalities and characters. We're really coming to love each other more and more. But more than that, teach us what this love really means. Teach us how to love selflessly, the way you have shown us Love to be.

God, we are still far from perfection but we want to be shaped by you. Teach us how to apply your word to our lives and how to let this word dwell in our lives. We seek a relationship with you, Father. Show yourself to us.

On behalf of Effervescence.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pace Buddies

Pace Buddies

(Because Buddies sounds cooler than partner)

Before I forget, the groupings are:

Zenas, Hao Jie, Marcus

David, Ian, Brandon

Ryan, Jun Chuan, (Glendon)

Amanda, Celestine, Grace, Nadia

Patrizha, Xin Ting, Fion, Vanessa

I know there are some people still left out but I will assign them partners when they come.

These groups are supposed to meet up once a month to share:
1. What you've learnt from Quiet Time.
2. What you think God is trying to say to you.
3. What are you doing about it?

Those whose names have been underlined are supposed to be the ones coordinating the meetings.
Enjoy growing together is Christ-likeness! :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

♥Memories♥ (:

Okay.. So this is my first time posting on the CG blog yeah(: As most of you know, I HAVE A BAD MEMORY :P so i treasure memories a lot(: and the easiest way to remember about the past is through photos yeah? So this post is gonna contain LOTS OF PHOTOS from the past(:

WARNING: This is gonna be a VERY LONG POST... Please refrain from reading unless you have the time(:

Okay.. so im gonna begin with my "past" .... something totally NOT connected to CG LOL... Haha :P i uploaded ALL my pics at one shot so yeah... lots of my own pics are in here :P might as well write about it too yeah?

Some of you know that i sometimes go with my parents on sunday to "Tree-top walk" yeah? It was one of our outing choices last time haha :P heres some pics i took while walking(:

This is the start of the walk(:

Of course, u get to see monkeys if you're lucky :P

This monkey is special :P it acts like a human?!?

Okay, look at its reaction when it sees me...


This monkey knows how to "emo" too(:

And of course, there're lizards,

So yeah, after that u walk up a slope and u reach the start of the bridge :P

Dont get this part... i go up just to go down again?

-Are you walking the right path?-

My Mum and my Younger Bro(:

Next are all scenery shots :P

Its called TREE-TOP walk for a reason :P
Dont really take any pictures after the bridge LOL... Anyone feel like going for the "tree-top walk" now?
Okay... back to Cg stuff(:
A trip back to half a year ago(:

Our Leaders(: THEY ROCK!!~~(:

Spot the difference?? :P
 Oh just for laughs, this is Germaine's Ic

And this is here Ic after ZENAS edited it...


Speaking about Germs, we all know she has a dog right? RUSTY FTW!!

RUSTY knows how to EMO too(:


Hmmmmmm... I find that rusty likes to day dream too :P

Thats all for RUSTY :P

Jamming session(:


Now the more recent photos (:
-Non-stop outings during HOLIDAY period(: -

Its just ZENAS being ZENAS O.O

Ryan's Aunt's House

Zenas "posing"

This is more like it :P

This is RYAN just being RYAN(:

Bowling (:

Oh heres a short story of Zenas...NO OFFENCE :P

So yeah... Zenas is good at bowling right?
As good as a KUNG-FU MASTER?!?

So then he proudly walks up to throw/roll/toss the ball

But he ends up BENDING DOWN and ROLLING the ball?!? haha :P



Dun worrry... he didnt fall....


This one is A LITTLE TOO close if you ask me...

Finally... FINISHING!!


Lastly, its AMANDA's CHRISTMAS PRESENTS?!? (From me and Zenas)

Anyone wanna make a guess which one Zenas got??

HAH :P finally, end off with some stuff i drew (just to show off??? HAHA)

Done for art class last year? o.0


OUCH... my butt hurts badly now... o.0
Haha i REALLY miss the CG now... CANT WAIT FOR SATURDAY!!!
 Enjoy school guys, and remember to CHERISH YOUR MEMORIES(:

May God bless you all(:
 ♥ Marcus(♂)

Edit: O.O this is not such a long post afterall...