Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Getting right with God

Getting right with God

How many of you have ever felt this:

You're in the middle of worship and you've started lifting your hands and being in the whole position of worship. Then suddenly, a wave of guilt hits you. You think back on the last week and how little time you've spent with God. You remember all the little sins you've committed. You feel like such a faker, such a fraud. You wonder why your hands are in the air, and if anyone knows how empty you actually are. You start to question whether your worship is real.

I know I've felt like that before. Sometimes, I try to ignore the problem. On my better days, I choose to cry out to God in repentance.

I was reflecting back on the sermon once again, the topic of confession. Effervescence, it's time for us to get right with God again. Even in school, we commit a hundred sins before the day is over. We get so used to sin that we're numb. We curse, we swear, we tell lewd (dirty) jokes. We convince ourselves that it's the norm so well that we actually start to believe it's ok.

Whatever happened to the purity and holiness that God values and EXPECTS of his children? If you're reading this post, take a moment ask yourself this: Is your behaviour pleasing to God? Do you want to be right with God again?

It's simple. Confess and repent. God is there with opened arms. That's the God we call Father.


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