Sunday, January 10, 2010

This is just some sermon notes i wrote yesterday..germs asked me to post this(:
Hope this helps those who didn't go for service..

1 timothy 4:7-8
V7. Have nothing to do with godless myths & old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.
V8. FOr physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life & the life to come.

A. The purpose of Spiritual Disciplines (v:7)
-Spiritual Disciplines require time & effort.
-It is NOT a set of rules . or legalistic rules.etc
-Embracing ground rules which protects us from "shipwrecks" in our life/lives
-We can't keep overloading our lives without accepting the consequence.
~Questions to ask yourself:
-What is the key to becoming disciplined?
-What is your aspiration as a christian?
-As long as you have a vision, there will be purpose and direction.
-There is now so much noise around us, we don't hear God speaking to us.
-Practicing Spiritual Disciplines will produce a godly character in our life/lives.

B. The value of Spiritual Disciplines(v:8)
-Spiritual Disciplines prepares us for heaven.
-We put so much effort into everything else but when it comes to godliness, we expect it to come instantly. (with little/without effort)
-The "gold" of godliness isn't found on the surface of christianity-it has to be dug in the depths of the ground.
-Those who persevere, in the end, the treasures will be worth all the troubles.

~If we are his children, godliness is not an option.
~If you want to make something a habit, you must do it for at LEAST 21 days-then it will become a habit.

A football coach said:
The job of a football coach is to make them do what they don't want to do, in order to achieve what they always wanted to do.

Hope this helps everyone in some way or another(: and sorry of there are any spelling/grammatical errors! haha
patrizha; effervescence:D

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