Sunday, January 24, 2010

CG bonding time

Effervescence Bonding Time

Hi everyone, hope you all have been having fun bonding as a CG and learning about God. Although many of the games we played on sat were quite silly, I think we enjoyed just being together right? I was just thinking, it's sometimes so easy to forget God when we start to enjoy each other's presence so much. Let's never forget that God is the reason why we exist.

I think it's possible for us to glorify God even while we play. I was thinking back about the youth camp. While some teams wanted to win very bad, other teams cared more about bonding with each other, giving everyone opportunities and having fun.

I hope that our CG will produce the kind of members that cares more about the team members rather than the win. This means that we sometimes have to let members who are weaker take part at the risk of losing the game. God values this sort of attitude much more than the fact that you win, I can assure you that! I believe that quite a few of you are like that, which I'm glad about.

CG Journals

The CG journals have also been distributed. For those who haven't received them, please get them from me. These journals are for you to write down sermon notes, prayers, thanksgivings, verses you want to remember and other stuff that God has been teaching you. I think it's very timely since we are having a sermon series on Spiritual Disciplines, this is one good way we can start disciplining ourselves as a CG.

I was so happy to see many of you start copying down sermon notes on Sunday. I really hope you can keep the habit up. Not only that, continue to remind and encourage each other to bring those journals and write in them ok? I'm glad to see us grow closer and more disciplined as a CG. I really thank God for watching over us so much :)


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