Wednesday, February 24, 2010

the power of a prayer

hey, i just experienced something quite cool recently..

i had a few class test recently, all of which none did well..
but the worst thing was i failed my e math test..
so i was moddy and paranoid through out that week, and after all the begging, my math teacher still wouldnt give me extra marks..
so i decided to pray to God. (i thought it was my last hope.. although it was just about a test)

and then the next day, the teacher suddenly just gave the class a retest..
i didnt realise until a few days later that it was the prayer to God that gave me another chance to redo my math paper which i screwed up the first time..
and i learnt that if only i had seek God in the first place.. maybe i wouldnt have been that moody before..
through that ,"probaly be boring to you" ,experience, i realised how powerful a prayer can be, even in small things like the failure of my class test.

do we take prayers lightly?
do really mean what we pray sometimes?
these were some of the questions that went through my mind..
i realised how dependent i was on my own decisions instead of God's advice. (so sad right)..

thanking God even for the smallest things

i was just thinking.. would it be awesome if we had something like a thank you notebook?
like, at the end of everyday, just right down all things you would like to thank God on that day itself.
even small things like, thank you for blessing me with great friends or thank you for providing food for me everyday. or stuff like that..
then like the end of the year, you can like read through all the things God has blessed you in your life..
so what do you guess think about it?

anyway, i better go study now.


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