Sunday, May 16, 2010

Congrats to the 5 baptised members

Just a short note to say CONGRATULATIONS to the 5 baptised members of Effervescence!


I want to say again that I'm very proud of this commitment you're making to Jesus Christ - telling the world that you really want to make him Lord of your life. My prayer is that you live your life as if you have the name JESUS plastered on your forehead. Since the world is going to identify you as a Christian, be sure to show them how a disciple of Jesus Christ really behaves.

Love, that's one of God's biggest commands. Love as he loved you. Watch how you use your mouths. Avoid gossiping, cursing, complaining, insulting, because those are not things that Jesus Christ would do. I'll leave you to discover all his other commands yourself. And remember, change will not happen in your own strength... it happens through a real relationship with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

In his love,

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