Saturday, May 15, 2010

Upcoming events - May June 2010

Upcoming Youth events

16 May - Ryan, Zenas, Grace, David and Patrizha's Baptism service (3pm)
23 May - Youth GDOP (3pm)
4-5 June - Yalpha Training
7-10 June - Youth EE training
27 June - Yalpha lunch

Baptism Service

Hey guys, Ryan, Zenas, Grace, David and Patrizha's baptism will be this sunday, 16th May at 3pm. It's going to be held at Covenant EFC. I have reserved about 8 places for our CG so what I'm thinking is that we should all go for the 2nd service together, have lunch, then head over to Covenant EFC together. Please confirm whether or not you'll be able to go for the baptism.

Youth Global Day of Prayer

It's that time of the year again - for us to join hands (figuratively, not literally) with all the other Christians in Singapore and around the world in prayer and worship. Youth GDOP will be at the Expo, at 3pm on 23 May. Once again, we'll be going as a CG and can meet for lunch first. Please confirm if you can come!

Yalpha (Youth Alpha)

I'm sure all of you know by now, reaching out to the lost is something that God wants and expects of us as Children. And we should be passionate about it! This year, we have the chance to participate in Youth Alpha. The Yalpha team needs facilitators to lead discussions, befrienders to sit around and help the groups bond, as well as logistic helpers. Please consider serving by volunteering to serve. The Yalpha lunch is on 27th June and the rest of the sessions will be on subsequent sundays. Please let me know if you would like to serve!

Youth EE training

From what I remember, some of you mentioned before that you would like to sign up for Youth EE right? Well, the dates have been confirmed. The course will be from 7-10 June. I really encourage you all to sign up, especially since many of you find it difficult to share the gospel with your friends. Youth EE will train you how to talk about Christianity in a comfortable way. Even if you've been for the kids alpha course, you can use this chance to revise it. Once again, you can sign up for this with me:)

Spiritual Walk Journals

I want to recommend that you guys get these journals to document your walk with God. Apart from Bible reading plans and Pace instructions, there are also memory verses on every page. The books is for you to write down things that God reveals to you in the course of your walk with him. Write down your reflections, prayers, thanksgivings and everything that he teaches you. This is an important discipline as it helps us remember God's goodness and the things he teaches us. The books are supposed to be free but I am setting a $1 charge to be donated to our CG fund so that we don't abuse the system. Do order the books from me ok?

As you can see, a lot of things are happening, a lot to sign up for. So sign up!!!


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