Friday, May 28, 2010

Love Love Love

Love Love Love

I thought it was quite interesting that the topic of Love has been coming up more and more recently. We talked about it 2 weeks ago during CG. For those who remember, it was specifically about loving the less fortunate around us: The needy, the poor, the lonely, the abused etc. Throughout the Bible, God has mentioned this over and over again. I believe this is definitely something that is heavily on his heart.

I thought it was interesting that we were greeted by the exact topic again this year during the Adult Global Day of Prayer. We prayed especially for the migrant workers in Singapore. And you know what, before Global Day of prayer, I actually decided to attend our Church's Chinese service and guess what the topic was... LOVE.

Pastor Ho preached about Jesus telling the people the 2 most important commandments - Love the Lord your God and love the people around you. The pharisees had asked Jesus only for the most important commandment, yet Jesus gave 2. The reason for that is because loving God and loving people go hand in hand. You cannot love God if you don't love the people around you. What a huge and scary truth this is.

Now, this love that we are talking about is not just a feeling you have in your heart. It is a practical, unselfish and unconditional love. It means showing care and respecting people.

I don't think it's any coincidence that God has been reminding us over and over again to love. He wants us to do something about it. I know we are a young CG, but we are not going into the world by ourselves, we are going in God's strength. I want us to stop living in our sheltered Christian bubble. Being a Christian means going out into the world and getting our hands dirty. Let's pray and ask God how we can be loving the community around us and thus, showing them that there's a God who loves them.

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