Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Germaine's life

I believe most of you know by now that I'm on a church internship. But do you know exactly how I spend my time? Let me enlighten you. 

I'm now on my third week of my attachment in church. (Can't believe how fast time passes) There are only 2 of us on this attachment, Lloyd and I. Pauline comes in once in a while for our missions class but she doesn't stay in full time with us. Most of our time is spent readings books or notes, doing homework and meeting the pastors for our personal classes.( This personal time with the pastors makes me feel really important... or like I'm going for counselling, hmm) In any case, I'm really enjoying this luxury of time that I get to concentrate on my study of God. And I get an allowance for it, which is such a blessing.

At the moment, we're learning about Missions, studying the book of Romans and reading and discussing the biography of a great Missionary, Hudson Taylor. Actually the story of Hudson Taylor is really cool. You should read about how he sacrificed so many of his priviledges and went through hardships just to prepare himself to be a missionary in China. He couldn't afford a Chinese textbook or dictionary so he started compare brief chinese verses with the English ones and made his own dictionary. He studied Chinese by himself. (SHAME ON ZENAS AND I...) Hudson Taylor lived a simple life also because whatever he didn't spend on himself could be used for God's work. Reading his story made me feel really guilty about wanting an iphone4. I think it made me question whether the way I spent my money was pleasing in God's sight, seeing that any money I have does not really belong to me but to God.

Last thursday, Lloyd and I went to Evangel Kindergarten to watch Pastor Vernon tell the kids Christian stories. It's really amazing to see how even at such a young age, these kids can get a chance to learn about the true and living God who loves them. It's such a wonderful ministry. Tomorrow, Lloyd and I are getting our feet wet by doing the story telling ourselves. I got assigned with teaching about the birth of Christ and I'm still racking my brains trying to figure out how I'm going to explain the pregnancy of Mary by the Holy Spirit and how Joseph almost divorced her to the k2 children.

Hope you're enjoying school as much as I am enjoying my attachment. (Though highly unlikely, I know) Remember to glorify God in every thought, word and action.


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