Saturday, January 1, 2011

Watchnight 2010

Dear Effervescence,

I was really happy about the watch night session we had yesterday. I never thought we'd have such a long time of worship, prayer, reflection and sharing, but I'm so thankful to God that we did. Wee Theng and I had been praying for the CG the days leading to it, and I do feel that the Holy Spirit was working in the midst of things.

Thank you all for taking the responsibility of leading one song each, it was really heartfelt. Then we had our time of reflection and sharing and honestly, never in my life, has sharing ever taken that long! But it was great to hear your heartfelt reflections. I was really encouraged at how honest you all were, even in things you were not proud of. I thought it was good how you all were willing to humble yourselves and do some honest self-evaluation. I think we were really reminded in the ways that we are lacking and I hope we will press on to improve on those areas with God's help.

We wrote our goals for the next year and put them in a box. I'll wait to collect them from the rest of the CG before sealing it up. We'll be opening that next year to see if we've fulfilled them. Lastly, we ended the year off by writing encouragements in one another's notebooks. (Even for those not around!) I was actually afraid that you were all going to be very half-hearted about it but I was wrong. You really put in the effort to write such encouraging messages...

Our worship wasn't perfect, our sharing was uber long, but I couldn't have asked for a better watch night. I really thank God, with all my heart, for how yesterday went. It's so amazing to see you all grow closer to God, and to want to glorify Him more. I just pray that this zeal doesn't get diminished in the midst of the busy start of school. I will be keeping you all in my prayers.

In His love and mine,

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