Monday, January 17, 2011

I don't know how to have QUIET TIME?

One of my biggest worry for the CG is the lack of quiet time we each have with God. Even for myself, it's really a struggle. I know that for some, you may use the excuse of not having enough time or not knowing how to do it. Come on, we know that the lack of time is no excuse because we all have half an hour to spare. You just have to deliberately make time.

For anyone whose excuse is not knowing how, I have a suggestion. Start with the book of  John and work your way down the New Testament. Read at least one chapter a day. After reading, pray about it, then write down a summary and reflections in your journal. I can promise you that doing this would be the start of a deepening relationship with God your Father.

If you don't spend your own quiet time with God, no amount of CG is going to help you grow closer to God. You need to start letting God reveal Himself to you rather than depending on the leaders to teach you about Him.


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