Thursday, March 18, 2010

CG this Sat
Please meet at 1pm at Causeway point this Saturday for CG. It will be at Ezekiel House. Because there is prayer and praise before that, the thing will start at 1.30pm.

Honouring God with our Blogs

It's scary how popular blogging is. Even in our CG alone, Amanda, Nadia, Patrizha, Celestine, Grace, Xin Ting, Kai Li, Marcus, Ian and Zenas blog. For many of us, our blogs are our source of outlet. It is where we turn to to COMPLAIN about horrible experiences we've encountered, horrible people in our lives. With blogs today, our opinions can be made known to the entire world in just a minute! Do you realise how much power we potentially have?

The things we post on our blogs have the power to build people up or to tear them down. What you post on your blog could affect lives. (You must think I'm being dramatic but it's true. If you knew how many teenagers committed suicide because of harsh words to them, you'll understand what I mean) How many times have we asked ourselves, who am I hurting with this post?

Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Ephesians tells us clearly that what we say should be helpful for buidling up others. Your leaders have taught you guys over and over again. Honour God with your lives. This means honouring God in every way, including the kind of things you post on your blog. I'm sure that even for yourself, once or twice, you've seen posts by your friends that have encouraged you.

Even for example, when Patrizha make a simple comment like "BS and CG was awesome today" or something like that, she may unconciously spark the interest of non-christian friends towards church!


The next time you start a new post, think about what God would want you to write. How is He using you today to influence the world? You could impact a million people without knowing it...

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