Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Where is the reverence?


To have reverence for God is to have deep respect for Him and to honour Him. Do you see that happening still?

In the Old Testament, you will read about the people and the priest going through great rituals to purify themselves before they come into the presence of God. In fact, before the scribes copied the Holy Scriptures, they would have to purify themselves before. This is because our God is a Holy God and for us to come before Him, we need to be clean.

So why don't we have such rituals anymore?

We have been freed from all these rituals after the death of Christ, who served as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Because Jesus died, we are made clean and can now come into God's presence. But this doesn't mean that we should take God's holiness lightly!

Reverence should be shown in the way we live our lives. When someone makes a crude joke or insults that God who died for you, do you laugh along or do you tell them that it's offensive? Do you make a stand?


One way we can show our reverence to God is through our worship. Think about the way you've been coming into God's presence during worship. How is your attitude in preparing for worship service? Let's ask ourselves the following questions...

Do you drag yourself there?
Do you come late?
Do you check your handphones during the service?
Do you concentrate on worshipping God or are you looking around?
Do you talk during the songs?

I think it's very sad how lightly we treat worship these days. We are distracted and we don't give enough respect to God. We have severely CHEAPENED our worship to God. I want to remind us that worship to God is a big deal. We should see it for what it really is. When we come to worship God, we should focus on Him and worship Him wholeheartedly. He is our creator and our God... our KING!

I believe God takes our attitude in worship very seriously. Let's reflect on the areas that we are lacking in. Together as a Cg, let's remind each other and spur each other on towards the reverence of God.

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