Monday, March 1, 2010

Dating Anxieties

I wonder how everyone is reacting to the dating series we're going through now. I imagine that there are differing opinions: Some may find it irrelevant, some may find it awkward, others may find it interesting but applicable. Still, I hope that everyone comes with an open mind and heart, ready to listen to what God is telling you through the studies. I want to challenge EFFERVESCENCE to know what it means to love and be loved.

I know that many of you are emotional teens. You can't wait to fall in love. Some have already started relationships. But loving the way God wants us to is very different. It calls for us to honour Him with our love, and not give ourselves to different people too easily...

When I was at this christian camp, during the sharing session, one of the guys bodly came to the front. In his hand was a poem he had written for his future wife, a person he knew God had planned for him. He wasn't dating anyone and he didn't know who this future wife would be. I don't remember the exact content of the poem, but it was basically about how even though he didn't know who the person was, he was praying for her. Not praying that he would find her, but praying for her well-being. He was caring for a person he trusted God to prepare for him.

It was a very sweet poem. But more importantly, it showed the kind of peace and faith that he had knowing that God had everything in control.

One reason why people date carelessly is because they don't trust that God is in control. They take on the mission of finding their own partners without God in the picture at all! This is also a big reason why people start dating young. Because every time they find someone they are attracted to, they want to hold on to the person in case the opportunity "slips away". Ultimately, there is a lack of faith in God's perfect plan.

My dear Effervescent, stop rushing into meaningless relationships and stop taking things into your own hands. Lay everything down at the feet of Jesus. Trust that God has things in control and has the perfect person for you. Pray for the person, not simply to meet him/her earlier. But pray for the person's well-being, that God will protect the person's purity, pray for the person's character. Pray also for yourself, that God will teach you how to be a good husband/wife.

Memorise the following verse.
Whenever you feel tempted or dissatisfied, recite and meditate upon it.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight

As Christians, we are so lucky to be able to unload our burdens upon our God. So why do we keep taking matters into our own hands. Seek God in all your ways and He will guide you through life.


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