Friday, March 5, 2010

No CG this Sat (6th March)

March activities
6th March - Jamming session.
7th March - 1.30pm Open Sunday weekend.
13th March - 2.30pm CG at Germaine's house.
18th - 19th March - Camping at Changi Beach
20th March - 1.30pm CG at Woodgrove office & Amanda's house.
27th March - 2.30pm CG at Zenas' house.

Hello all. Because this week is open sunday weekend, there won't be CG. However, we will be going jamming instead. We'll be meeting at 2pm at Admiralty MRT station. Do have your lunch before you come. After jamming, we can have dinner together before heading back. Please bring dinner money and an extra $3-5 for the jamming studio.

Open Sunday
We'll be having our first Open Sun this weekend at our new office, 48 Woodgrove Ave. The V-day comm will be bringing us through a session to process/debrief our last V-day outreach, and Pastor Tim has also invited a street hip-hop Brazilian missionary to Japan, who works with Louis/Chris and Daniel Wong in the Kanto Church House Network, to share about creative ways of evangelism, especially to youths. Don't miss it!

Let's meet at 8.50am at the level 6 cinema to attend the 9am service. Please don't be late because once you miss the 9am slot, you'll have to wait for the next service to go in. I heard the Cinema is very strict. We also will not be able to reserve seats for you. After service, we will head for lunch together before going over to Woodgrove.

We will be trying to organise a one-night camping outing for the CG. We will confirm the details again soon. Basically, we will be having 2 tents, 1 for guys and 1 for girls. We can have an over night prayer and worship session by the beach, under the stars. It all sounds really cool. It's a time for us to fellowship and get to know each other better.

{e-dited.05.03.10 19:31, Amanduhloo'Effervescence}
P.S. Make life easy for me! Bring exact or the most $10. No $50 please! Thanks:)

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